Презентация "Мy favorite sportsman" – проект, доклад

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Выполнила: студентка гр.61111 Сбитякова Валерия Преподаватель: Гарипова А.Н. Казань-2016 Мy Favorite Sportsman
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Выполнила: студентка гр.61111 Сбитякова Валерия Преподаватель: Гарипова А.Н.

Казань-2016 Мy Favorite Sportsman

I want to talk about their favorite sportsman, who is an idol for me in the sport. Sergey Yuryevich Tetyukhin (born 23 September 1975) is a Russian volleyball player. He was born in Fergana, Uzbekistan. Tetyukhin the Olympic champion in 2012, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Sydney, bronze me
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I want to talk about their favorite sportsman, who is an idol for me in the sport. Sergey Yuryevich Tetyukhin (born 23 September 1975) is a Russian volleyball player. He was born in Fergana, Uzbekistan. Tetyukhin the Olympic champion in 2012, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Sydney, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Athens and Beijing, winner of the World Cup, a multiple medalist of the European championships, Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

childhood. Sergey Tetyukhin Childhood in Fergana. The first coach of the athlete was his father Yuri Ivanovich, the first team in his career - Tashkent "Wings of the East". In 1992, in connection with the changed socio-political situation and the lack of prospects for the growth of the pla
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Sergey Tetyukhin Childhood in Fergana. The first coach of the athlete was his father Yuri Ivanovich, the first team in his career - Tashkent "Wings of the East". In 1992, in connection with the changed socio-political situation and the lack of prospects for the growth of the player at home, Tetyuhin family decided to move to Russia, and on the advice of the honored trainer of the USSR Yuri Furaeva went to Belgorod. Sergei was accepted into the team «Belogorye».

Russian team. The first official match for the national team Tetyukhin held May 11, 1996 in Beijing. Within the framework of the World League volleyball Russia that day defeated the Japanese team with a score of 3: 2. In July - August 1996 in Atlanta acted on the first of his career Olympic game. In
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Russian team

The first official match for the national team Tetyukhin held May 11, 1996 in Beijing. Within the framework of the World League volleyball Russia that day defeated the Japanese team with a score of 3: 2. In July - August 1996 in Atlanta acted on the first of his career Olympic game. In December 1999, Sergei Tetyukhin won the World Cup and he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports. In 2002, the Russian team won the World League for the first time and took the silver medal of the world championship. At the end of the world forum, Sergei took fourth place in the dispute the most successful players.

Olympic Games 2012. Tetyukhin participation at the London Olympics has been called into question - in spring 2012, doctors diagnosed him with heart rhythm disturbances, and only a month before the start of the competition allowed to resume training. At its fifth Olympics 36-year-old Sergey Tetyukhin
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Olympic Games 2012

Tetyukhin participation at the London Olympics has been called into question - in spring 2012, doctors diagnosed him with heart rhythm disturbances, and only a month before the start of the competition allowed to resume training. At its fifth Olympics 36-year-old Sergey Tetyukhin was one of the most consistent players of the Russian team on the pitch and reception; in the key match of the preliminary stage with the US team scored 21 points, realizing 45% of attacks. In subsequent matches Tetyuhin went on to play almost no changes, demonstrating the high quality of volleyball and the will to win. Russia coach Vladimir Alekno noted that the yield on feed Tetyukhin in the end of the third game of the final match with the Brazilians helped the Russian team to turn the tide of the emerging unsuccessful fight and ultimately achieve victory.

Gold medals Sergey Tetyukhin. 1999 Gold medal with cup.svg FIVB World Cup 2002 Gold medal with cup.svg FIVB World League 2011 Gold medal with cup.svg FIVB World Cup 2012 Gold medal with cup.svg Olympic Games
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Gold medals Sergey Tetyukhin

1999 Gold medal with cup.svg FIVB World Cup 2002 Gold medal with cup.svg FIVB World League 2011 Gold medal with cup.svg FIVB World Cup 2012 Gold medal with cup.svg Olympic Games

Мy favorite sportsman Слайд: 7
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Thank you for attention!
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Thank you for attention!

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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:8 августа 2019
Содержит:8 слайд(ов)
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