Презентация "The History of Apple, Inc." – проект, доклад

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The History of Apple, Inc. by Leanne Gray
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The History of Apple, Inc. by Leanne Gray

Why “Apple”? Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Mike Markkula formed Apple Computer on April 1, 1976, after taking out a 0,000 loan. At the time, the company to beat was Atarti, and “Apple” came before them alphabetically, and also therefore in the phone book.
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Why “Apple”?

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Mike Markkula formed Apple Computer on April 1, 1976, after taking out a $250,000 loan.

At the time, the company to beat was Atarti, and “Apple” came before them alphabetically, and also therefore in the phone book.

Jobs and Woz. First met in 1971; Jobs was 16, Wozniak was 21 Steve Wozniak built a computer to run on the 6502 chip from MOS technology, but Jobs had the idea to sell it
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Jobs and Woz

First met in 1971; Jobs was 16, Wozniak was 21 Steve Wozniak built a computer to run on the 6502 chip from MOS technology, but Jobs had the idea to sell it

Apple I. First demonstrated in April 1976 Used a TV as a display Many machines had no display Cassette interface Used fewer parts than anything in its class. Apple Computer’s first logo, designed by Ronald Wayne, shows Isaac Newton underneath an apple tree.
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Apple I

First demonstrated in April 1976 Used a TV as a display Many machines had no display Cassette interface Used fewer parts than anything in its class

Apple Computer’s first logo, designed by Ronald Wayne, shows Isaac Newton underneath an apple tree.

Apple II. First introduced in 1977 Recognized by many as being the first “computer” Production ended in 1993; Apple had sold over two million units Unlike Apple I, this version included graphics
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Apple II

First introduced in 1977 Recognized by many as being the first “computer” Production ended in 1993; Apple had sold over two million units Unlike Apple I, this version included graphics

1984: Macintosh
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1984: Macintosh

Introduced on January 24, 1984, the Macintosh was the world’s first truly personal computer, with a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). Introduced desktop publishing with Adobe PageMaker. Macintosh’s first icons were created by graphic designer Susan Kare. Created an entire Mac Family: Mac
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Introduced on January 24, 1984, the Macintosh was the world’s first truly personal computer, with a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). Introduced desktop publishing with Adobe PageMaker

Macintosh’s first icons were created by graphic designer Susan Kare.

Created an entire Mac Family: MacPlus (1986) Mac SE and Mac II (1987) Mac Classic and Mac LC (1990) Macintosh Portable (1989) PowerBook (1991)

AIM Alliance. In 1991, Apple Computer, IBM, and Motorola joined to create the PowerPC processors Apple & IBM created two side projects called Taligent and Kaleida Labs.
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AIM Alliance

In 1991, Apple Computer, IBM, and Motorola joined to create the PowerPC processors Apple & IBM created two side projects called Taligent and Kaleida Labs.

Started Power Macintosh line in 1994 using PReP (PowerPC Reference Platform) Produced the first hand-held PDA, the Newton, in 1993 Did not take off for Apple, but was the forerunner for PalmPilot and Palm PC
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Started Power Macintosh line in 1994 using PReP (PowerPC Reference Platform) Produced the first hand-held PDA, the Newton, in 1993 Did not take off for Apple, but was the forerunner for PalmPilot and Palm PC

Power Struggle. Jobs was fired in 1985 by the board of directors, but after three unsuccessful CEOs throughout the early-mid 90s, was brought back in 1997 and assumed the position of interim CEO.
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Power Struggle

Jobs was fired in 1985 by the board of directors, but after three unsuccessful CEOs throughout the early-mid 90s, was brought back in 1997 and assumed the position of interim CEO.

iMac is Born. Jobs first recreated desktop, combining the monitor and CPU into one Sold over one million units a year Introduced Apple’s new emphasis on design and aesthetics
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iMac is Born

Jobs first recreated desktop, combining the monitor and CPU into one Sold over one million units a year Introduced Apple’s new emphasis on design and aesthetics

Mac OS X. Jobs also created an entirely new operating system Wanted to emphasize the “digital lifestyle”
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Mac OS X

Jobs also created an entirely new operating system Wanted to emphasize the “digital lifestyle”

iPod. Introduced on October 23, 2001 5GB hard drive; 1000 songs Apple had already registered the name for a group of internet kiosks that were never implemented. In July 2005, iPod’s U.S. market share was estimated at 74% January 2007, Apple reported record annual earnings of .1 billion, 48% of wh
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Introduced on October 23, 2001 5GB hard drive; 1000 songs Apple had already registered the name for a group of internet kiosks that were never implemented

In July 2005, iPod’s U.S. market share was estimated at 74% January 2007, Apple reported record annual earnings of $7.1 billion, 48% of which was from iPod sales.

iPod + iTunes. Launched in 2003; had 2 million downloads in 16 days Over 2 billion songs sold 1.2 billion songs sold in 2006 alone
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iPod + iTunes

Launched in 2003; had 2 million downloads in 16 days Over 2 billion songs sold 1.2 billion songs sold in 2006 alone

Apple, Inc. In January, Steve Jobs announced the company would change it’s name to Apple, Inc. to incorporate their many endeavors
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Apple, Inc.

In January, Steve Jobs announced the company would change it’s name to Apple, Inc. to incorporate their many endeavors

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