Презентация "Geography of Australia" – проект, доклад

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Слайды презентации

Geography of Australia. The Shaping of a Continent Grade 7
Слайд 1

Geography of Australia

The Shaping of a Continent Grade 7

7th Grade Social Studies. Blueprint: Identify the spatial distribution of major ecosystems such as tropical rainforest, desert, and grassland. Blueprint: Describe how physical, biological, and human characteristics and processes define and shape a place.
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7th Grade Social Studies

Blueprint: Identify the spatial distribution of major ecosystems such as tropical rainforest, desert, and grassland. Blueprint: Describe how physical, biological, and human characteristics and processes define and shape a place.

Three Examples Of Characteristics That Have Shaped Australia. 1. The Colonial Legacy 2. The Outback 3. The Great Barrier Reef
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Three Examples Of Characteristics That Have Shaped Australia

1. The Colonial Legacy 2. The Outback 3. The Great Barrier Reef

From Colonization to Urbanization. Aboriginal settlers arrived on the continent from Southeast Asia about 40,000 years before the first Europeans began exploration in the 17th century. No formal claims were made until 1770, when Capt. James COOK took possession in the name of Great Britain.
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From Colonization to Urbanization

Aboriginal settlers arrived on the continent from Southeast Asia about 40,000 years before the first Europeans began exploration in the 17th century. No formal claims were made until 1770, when Capt. James COOK took possession in the name of Great Britain.

Colonization and Urbanization II. The British first used Australia as a penal colony because of the lack of prison space in the UK. British posts were set up around the perimeter of the “Outback”; which was where the prisoners were kept. These posts grew into cities as more British ventured to Austr
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Colonization and Urbanization II

The British first used Australia as a penal colony because of the lack of prison space in the UK. British posts were set up around the perimeter of the “Outback”; which was where the prisoners were kept. These posts grew into cities as more British ventured to Australia. Eventually, these developed into the major cities of Australia. Colonization is an example of one of the many ways that human involvement has shaped Australia today.

Brisbane Sydney. For other city slides click: Australia Pics
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Brisbane Sydney

For other city slides click: Australia Pics

The Outback. The Outback is a physical “no-mans land”. Also called “The Bush”, the environment is not as human friendly as is Australia’s coasts. Therefore, the population numbers of the outback are very sparse. Because of the physically rugged land, there are few towns; such as Cuber Peaty.
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The Outback

The Outback is a physical “no-mans land”. Also called “The Bush”, the environment is not as human friendly as is Australia’s coasts. Therefore, the population numbers of the outback are very sparse. Because of the physically rugged land, there are few towns; such as Cuber Peaty.

The Outback II. Because of the physical nature of the outback, Australia’s cities are becoming very urbanized. This is an example of the physical environment that has shaped Australia.
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The Outback II

Because of the physical nature of the outback, Australia’s cities are becoming very urbanized. This is an example of the physical environment that has shaped Australia.

Ayers Rock Aboriginal Art
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Ayers Rock Aboriginal Art

Outback Roads. For more pictures of the outback click on: Outback
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Outback Roads

For more pictures of the outback click on: Outback

The Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef off the northeast coast, the largest coral reef in the world, is threatened by increased shipping and its popularity as a tourist site. It holds numerous species of fish, marine mammals, as well as aquatic plants and corals. One section of the reef, Dan
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The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef off the northeast coast, the largest coral reef in the world, is threatened by increased shipping and its popularity as a tourist site. It holds numerous species of fish, marine mammals, as well as aquatic plants and corals. One section of the reef, Dangerous Reef, has one of the worlds greatest population of great white sharks.

Great Barrier Reef II. More and more people from all over the world visit Australia every year. The reef is one of the foremost reasons for Australian tourism. This plays a major role in the shaping of Australia’s economy and urbanization to the coastal cities. For more information on Australia’s co
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Great Barrier Reef II

More and more people from all over the world visit Australia every year. The reef is one of the foremost reasons for Australian tourism. This plays a major role in the shaping of Australia’s economy and urbanization to the coastal cities.

For more information on Australia’s coastal economy click: Australia

Great Barrier Reef
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Great Barrier Reef

Geography of Australia Слайд: 14
Слайд 14
Exit Ticket Essay Quiz. Use 10 minutes to write this short answer essay question. How do physical, human, and biological factors shape Australia?
Слайд 15

Exit Ticket Essay Quiz

Use 10 minutes to write this short answer essay question. How do physical, human, and biological factors shape Australia?

Homework. *(Put your homework assignment here)!
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*(Put your homework assignment here)!

Resources. Reefpix.com http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/as.html Scuba Diving Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef Photo.com http://www.adventure-tours-australia.com/australian-outback-photos/ http://www.student.kun.nl/d.hulshuis/pics/ http://www.reefpix.com.au/images.htm
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Reefpix.com http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/as.html Scuba Diving Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef Photo.com http://www.adventure-tours-australia.com/australian-outback-photos/ http://www.student.kun.nl/d.hulshuis/pics/ http://www.reefpix.com.au/images.htm

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