- How does the geographical position influence the peoples live?

Презентация "How does the geographical position influence the peoples live?" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Слайд 13

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Слайд 1



The frontier experience had a deep influence on the American character…. Americans left their own world for the unknown world. So they were risk-takers. They were tough and self-reliant. Because they had a hard life living on the front life. Americans often faced new problems. So they learned to exp
Слайд 2

The frontier experience had a deep influence on the American character…

Americans left their own world for the unknown world. So they were risk-takers. They were tough and self-reliant. Because they had a hard life living on the front life. Americans often faced new problems. So they learned to experiment with new ways of doing things.

Geographical maps the USA

Because they had many difficulties they became very hospitable. Because they moved from east to west acquired (овладевая) new territories. They are always on the move.
Слайд 3

Because they had many difficulties they became very hospitable. Because they moved from east to west acquired (овладевая) new territories. They are always on the move.

Millions of Americans participate in water sports, such as swimming, fishing and other because ¾ of the country are washed by the ocean.
Слайд 4

Millions of Americans participate in water sports, such as swimming, fishing and other because ¾ of the country are washed by the ocean.

English people like compromise. English people… what are they? The British love of compromise is the result of the physical geography. The may or may not be true (это может быть правдой, может быть нет), but it is certainly true the land and climate in Britain doesn’t have extremes (крайностей).
Слайд 5

English people like compromise. English people… what are they?

The British love of compromise is the result of the physical geography. The may or may not be true (это может быть правдой, может быть нет), but it is certainly true the land and climate in Britain doesn’t have extremes (крайностей).

Most British people spend their holidays at the seaside because nobody in Britain lives more than one hundred and twenty kilometers from the sea.
Слайд 6

Most British people spend their holidays at the seaside because nobody in Britain lives more than one hundred and twenty kilometers from the sea.

A lot of people like gardening. The climate is ideal. Most of the British do not need to grow vegetables but they like home-grown vegetables better.
Слайд 7

A lot of people like gardening. The climate is ideal.

Most of the British do not need to grow vegetables but they like home-grown vegetables better.

The British are said to be a polite and well-mannered people. The British people are angry if you jump the queue. The British people are considered to be the world's greatest tea drinkers. They drink it at meals and between meals. The English are reputed to have a good sense of humour.
Слайд 8

The British are said to be a polite and well-mannered people. The British people are angry if you jump the queue.

The British people are considered to be the world's greatest tea drinkers. They drink it at meals and between meals.

The English are reputed to have a good sense of humour.

How does the geographical position of Russia influence the life of the people? Russians think and act big. This is not unusual for such a vast country.
Слайд 9

How does the geographical position of Russia influence the life of the people?

Russians think and act big. This is not unusual for such a vast country.

Russians think of themselves as members of the community rather than as individuals. The origin (корень) Russian communalism lies deep in the vastness of the Great Russian Plain. The harsh climate explains the Russian’s strength, their ability to overcome hardships.
Слайд 10

Russians think of themselves as members of the community rather than as individuals. The origin (корень) Russian communalism lies deep in the vastness of the Great Russian Plain. The harsh climate explains the Russian’s strength, their ability to overcome hardships.

The cruel climate, harsh history, and skeptical outlook (взгляд) on life have made Russians value stability, security ( безопасность) and predictability. In old Russia, people could do little during winter months. But in spring there was much to be done, and in a short period of time. This explains
Слайд 11

The cruel climate, harsh history, and skeptical outlook (взгляд) on life have made Russians value stability, security ( безопасность) and predictability.

In old Russia, people could do little during winter months. But in spring there was much to be done, and in a short period of time. This explains why Russians often are inactivity for long periods of time and then show bursts of energy.

Americans and Russians are very much alike. The British are more serious and conservative. Americans and Russians are more open and hospitable. But, I think that Russia is the best country in the world and our people the most open and sympathetic!
Слайд 12

Americans and Russians are very much alike. The British are more serious and conservative. Americans and Russians are more open and hospitable. But, I think that Russia is the best country in the world and our people the most open and sympathetic!

It was done by Anna Serebryakova, form 10 B. 13.12.2007
Слайд 13

It was done by Anna Serebryakova, form 10 B. 13.12.2007

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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:14 сентября 2014
Категория:Английский язык
Автор презентации:Серебрякова Анна
Содержит:13 слайд(ов)
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