Конспект урока «PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN UZBEKISTAN» по английскому языку
In Uzbekistan school begins at the age of seven. Children go to primary schools where they spend four years till they are eleven. In Uzbekistan the school year begins on the second of September. Schools in Uzbekistan have numbers.
Classes usually begin at eight. Pupils sit in rows and listen to their teacher. They follow a regular timetable. Their subjects are: English, Russian, Uzbek, Maths, Nature Study, Art. Music and P.E. are on the timetable too.
Uzbek children have classes five days a week. They have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Classes are usually over at one o’clock and then the pupils go home. They never have classes on Sunday. Sunday is their day off. They sometimes visit museums and their teachers take them to other interesting places. In primary schools pupils wear uniforms.
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