Тест «TEST TO Unit 6» по английскому языку для 6 класса

TEST TO Unit 6 (9 form)

I variant

I. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the table



Working hours

Age requirement

Extra Qualification

Personal qualities

II. Read the text “A job for life”

When Helen was a teenager, she wanted to study for a vet. When she looked for a summer job, she could not find anything connected with her interest. Then she applied for a voluntary position (неоплачиваемая должность) in a vet surgery ( ветеринарная больница). To be a volunteer means to work for free. She stayed at the surgery for a year, working there a couple of hours a week. She really liked the job, and was very good at it.

The employer appreciated (оценивать) her enthusiasm and abilities. He saw that she was the right person for the job. After a while he made up his mind to offer her a part-time job ( работа на неполный день) at the reception (регистратура). He plans to employ her full-time after she finishes college.

III. Translate the underlined paragraph

IV. Answer the questions

  1. What did Helen want to do after school?

  2. What job did she want to do in summer?

  3. What does a “voluntary position” mean?

  4. Was Helen good at her job?

  5. What kind of job did Helen get after a while?

V. Match the description with the names of the job

1. someone who looks after a forest or animals a) a waiter

2.____ who looks after babies b) a guide

3.___ who washes dishes c) a babysitter

4.___ who serves food and drink in a restaurant d) a ranger

5.___ who shows a place to tourists e) a dishwasher

VI. Translate the sentences into Russian

  1. If he has a toothache, he will go to the dentist.

  2. If she has time, she’ll work as a babysitter.

  3. If I had good computer skills I would apply for this position.

  4. If I were active and imaginative, I would a better chance to find a job.

  5. If they had come to Death Valley in winter, they would have been able to see more.

  6. If Martin had taken more than a litre of water, it would have helped.

TEST TO Unit 6 (9 form). II variant

I. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the table



Working hours

Age requirement

Extra Qualification

Personal qualities

II. Read the text “What does a ranger do?”

Many people who love the outdoors, and especially state or national parks, decide they want to become park rangers. While it is a career open to nearly anyone, it does take a great deal of dedication (преданность делу) and hard work, and often involves (включает) skills that many people do not expect. Those who want to become a park ranger in order to wander freely (свободно бродить) in the woods may find the job of naturalist

The first step to become a park ranger is to decide what type of ranger you want to be, and if having the actual job title Park Ranger is important to you, or whether you just want to wear the uniform and work in a park. There are people who work at park campgrounds ( палаточный лагерь), looking after campers, checking them in, and collecting fees (сбор пошлин). Other people patrol parks, with all the duties and capacities of law enforcement( правоохранительные органы). There are also those who help guide visitors to the parks, teaching them about the flora, fauna, and natural formations found within the park

III. Translate the underlined paragraph

IV. Answer the questions

  1. Why do people go to work as a rangers?

  2. What are requirements to this job?

  3. Who can work as a naturalist?

  4. What is the most important for a ranger?

  5. Do rangers look only after woods? What are their duties?

V. Write the verbs in brackets in the right form.

  1. If he ( to apply) for this job, he’ll be able to learn a lot for his future career.

  2. If I hadn’t left London, I (not meet) my wife.

  3. If I (to find) a summer job, I’ would buy a computer.

  4. If I were more creative, I (to apply) for this vacancy at the Adventure Park.

  5. If they found a babysitter, they (go) to the party.

VI. Translate these expressions into Russian

  1. to make website home pages

  2. to deliver the post

  3. to work as a waiter

  4. to help children catch up with their studies

  5. to give out advertising fliers

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Дата добавления:21 августа 2016
Категория:Английский язык
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