- Interesting traditions of different peoples of the world

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Interesting traditions of different peoples of the world. Выполнила: Барабаш Наталия Студентка 3 курса Реклама и СО
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Interesting traditions of different peoples of the world

Выполнила: Барабаш Наталия Студентка 3 курса Реклама и СО

INDIA Festival of colors. This unusual event is taking place in New Delhi. Festival of colors - not just entertainment, it's a holiday devoted to the coming of spring. On this day, the Indians expelled evil, marking the rebirth of life. In every city of India lit bonfires to celebrate the completion
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INDIA Festival of colors

This unusual event is taking place in New Delhi. Festival of colors - not just entertainment, it's a holiday devoted to the coming of spring. On this day, the Indians expelled evil, marking the rebirth of life. In every city of India lit bonfires to celebrate the completion of the "evil" of the period. It's all in the evening and at night. But in the morning the people poured colored water, becoming more like a colorful rainbow.

THAILAND Monkey buffet. On this day - November 25 - in the Thai city of Lopburi, just north of Bangkok, a festival Monkey Buffet. His goal - to feed your fill of fresh fruits and vegetables two thousandth population of monkeys living in these parts. Monkey feast annually attracts crowds of tourists
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THAILAND Monkey buffet

On this day - November 25 - in the Thai city of Lopburi, just north of Bangkok, a festival Monkey Buffet. His goal - to feed your fill of fresh fruits and vegetables two thousandth population of monkeys living in these parts. Monkey feast annually attracts crowds of tourists brightness activities

SPAIN Tomato Battle. Every year in the small village of Bunol, Spain, there is the so-called "Tomato Battle". In the village of little people, but for the holiday arrives more than 35 thousand people. Preparing for the celebration of 100 tonnes of fresh, ripe tomatoes. Interestingly, the t
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SPAIN Tomato Battle

Every year in the small village of Bunol, Spain, there is the so-called "Tomato Battle". In the village of little people, but for the holiday arrives more than 35 thousand people. Preparing for the celebration of 100 tonnes of fresh, ripe tomatoes. Interestingly, the tomatoes before the "use" recommend knead, so as not to injure the man that fly "shell." After the carnage is over, wash the area begin, and participants basking in the shower (they are arranged specifically), plus go to bathe in the river.

NEW ZEALAND Hongi. Indigenous people, the Maori, at a meeting with one another touch noses. This tradition goes into the distant ages. It is called "Hongi" and symbolizes the breath of life - "ha", which goes back to the gods themselves. After that Maori perceive the person as a
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Indigenous people, the Maori, at a meeting with one another touch noses. This tradition goes into the distant ages. It is called "Hongi" and symbolizes the breath of life - "ha", which goes back to the gods themselves. After that Maori perceive the person as a friend and not just as a visitor.

TIBET. At a meeting in Tibet show each other tongue. This custom goes back to the IX, when Tibet was ruled by King tyrant Langdarma. He had a black tongue. So Tibetans feared that the king after his death can settle in for someone else, and so we decided to show the language to protect themselves fr
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At a meeting in Tibet show each other tongue. This custom goes back to the IX, when Tibet was ruled by King tyrant Langdarma. He had a black tongue. So Tibetans feared that the king after his death can settle in for someone else, and so we decided to show the language to protect themselves from evil. If you want to also follow this custom - make sure you have not eaten anything coloring your language in a dark color, or you may be misunderstanding. Hands thus usually kept folded on the chest.

GREENLAND. Men from some Eskimo tribes lined up to welcome the stranger. After that, the first of them comes forward and a good spanking stranger on top of the head, and expects a similar response from a stranger. Slaps and punches continue as long as any of the parties does not fall to the ground.
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Men from some Eskimo tribes lined up to welcome the stranger. After that, the first of them comes forward and a good spanking stranger on top of the head, and expects a similar response from a stranger. Slaps and punches continue as long as any of the parties does not fall to the ground.

Eastern countries. In many eastern countries do not complete the guest poured a cup of tea or other beverage. Then gradually he poured another, thereby prolonging the visit. Thus, when the visit is over, tea stop pouring. In addition, if the guest is not desirable or just tired of the owners, he pou
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Eastern countries

In many eastern countries do not complete the guest poured a cup of tea or other beverage. Then gradually he poured another, thereby prolonging the visit. Thus, when the visit is over, tea stop pouring. In addition, if the guest is not desirable or just tired of the owners, he poured a pot full of tea. After it ends, the guest must leave.

CHINA. China has taken slurp away, otherwise the owners may find it tasteless concoctions. There silently in China - offend the owners and chefs. A slap sauces tablecloth after a meal - a confirmation that you ate with appetite and you it was delicious.
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China has taken slurp away, otherwise the owners may find it tasteless concoctions. There silently in China - offend the owners and chefs. A slap sauces tablecloth after a meal - a confirmation that you ate with appetite and you it was delicious.

MADRID. From Madrid to many Spanish cities spread unusual Christmas tradition until the clock strikes 12 times, it is necessary to eat 12 grapes - one for each hit chimes. This is done to each month of the coming year was a happy one. Sometimes Spaniards gather in the town square and eat the fruit o
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From Madrid to many Spanish cities spread unusual Christmas tradition until the clock strikes 12 times, it is necessary to eat 12 grapes - one for each hit chimes. This is done to each month of the coming year was a happy one. Sometimes Spaniards gather in the town square and eat the fruit of the vine together and then passed around a bottle of cava (Catalan sparkling wine).

GERMANY. In Germany, an interesting tradition associated with the New Year. Some of the family regardless of age and physique whole family stand on chairs at a time when they begin to beat the chimes. And after hours of strike for the 12th time, all at once jump, thereby meeting the new year.
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In Germany, an interesting tradition associated with the New Year. Some of the family regardless of age and physique whole family stand on chairs at a time when they begin to beat the chimes. And after hours of strike for the 12th time, all at once jump, thereby meeting the new year.

ETHIOPIA Surma tribe. There are unusual at first glance wedding tradition. For some time before the solemn moment of the future bride lower teeth removed and inserted into the lower lip clay disk. Periodically, the old disk is replaced by a large diameter. This begs the question, how to tie these &q
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ETHIOPIA Surma tribe

There are unusual at first glance wedding tradition. For some time before the solemn moment of the future bride lower teeth removed and inserted into the lower lip clay disk.

Periodically, the old disk is replaced by a large diameter. This begs the question, how to tie these "atrocities" and the wedding? And all very prosaic - the more the disc in the lip of the bride, the more imposing her dowry. After all, the size of the disk says about the welfare of the family of the bride.

CHINA Pre-wedding sobs. Starting a month before the wedding, the bride should cry for an hour every day. Ten days after the start of the wailing of the bride joins her mother, and after ten days and still connects the older generation in the face of her grandmother. By the end of the month all the w
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CHINA Pre-wedding sobs

Starting a month before the wedding, the bride should cry for an hour every day. Ten days after the start of the wailing of the bride joins her mother, and after ten days and still connects the older generation in the face of her grandmother. By the end of the month all the women of the family together around the sobbing bride. Why? .. Here a prenuptial pay are treated as a peculiar expression of joy: polyphonic sobs in different keys form a sort of song. Very wet, salty songs.

INDIA Maharashtra. Perhaps the strangest customs associated with birth, we can observe from the Muslims in the Indian state of Maharashtra. There's a tradition of dumping newborn with a 15-meter wall of the temple. Those who strictly adheres to this ritual already half a millennium, it is believed t
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INDIA Maharashtra.

Perhaps the strangest customs associated with birth, we can observe from the Muslims in the Indian state of Maharashtra. There's a tradition of dumping newborn with a 15-meter wall of the temple. Those who strictly adheres to this ritual already half a millennium, it is believed that the way to improve the health of the child, give him a successful life in the future, as well as make it smart and bold. Falling, children certainly do not hit the ground: they are caught, stretching below a large piece of cloth.

Kurile Islands. From ancient times Ainu people living on the Kuril Islands decided to make women an unusual tattoo lips. To do this, the skin around the lips makes it easy to cuts in which rubbed charcoal. The first tattoos were applied to girls as young as 7 years old. First is a small line, which
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Kurile Islands

From ancient times Ainu people living on the Kuril Islands decided to make women an unusual tattoo lips. To do this, the skin around the lips makes it easy to cuts in which rubbed charcoal. The first tattoos were applied to girls as young as 7 years old. First is a small line, which every year are added and completely surrounded by a black outline lips. During the wedding ceremony the bride drew his beloved smile, which served as a final touch tattoos.

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