- Tyumen is the first Russian settlement in Siberia

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Tyumen is the first Russian settlement in Siberia. автор Макаров А.Д., преподаватель Тюменского нефтегазового колледжа
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Tyumen is the first Russian settlement in Siberia.

автор Макаров А.Д., преподаватель Тюменского нефтегазового колледжа

the Tyumen coat of arms the flag of Tyumen
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the Tyumen coat of arms the flag of Tyumen

Tyumen was the first Russian town in Siberia, founded in 1586 on the site of the Siberian Tatar town of Chimgi-Tura by the order the Russian tsar Feodor Ioanovich . 
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Tyumen was the first Russian town in Siberia, founded in 1586 on the site of the Siberian Tatar town of Chimgi-Tura by the order the Russian tsar Feodor Ioanovich . 

Tyumen is the largest city and the administrative center of Tyumen Oblast, located on the Tura River flowing into the river Tobol.
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Tyumen is the largest city and the administrative center of Tyumen Oblast, located on the Tura River flowing into the river Tobol.

The Tura is a river in Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions of Russia. Its length is adout 1000 km. The towns of Verkhoturye, Turinsk are based on the river too . TheTura is the main source of water for Tyumen. The Tura
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The Tura is a river in Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions of Russia. Its length is adout 1000 km. The towns of Verkhoturye, Turinsk are based on the river too . TheTura is the main source of water for Tyumen.

The Tura

In the summer of 1586 Moscow voevodas Vasily Sukin and Ivan Myasnoi with military people and Cossacks marched into Siberia. On July 29, 1586 they laid foundation of Tyumen on the site of the destroyed Chimgi-Tura. Originally Streltsy and  Cossacks made up majority of Tyumen population.
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In the summer of 1586 Moscow voevodas Vasily Sukin and Ivan Myasnoi with military people and Cossacks marched into Siberia. On July 29, 1586 they laid foundation of Tyumen on the site of the destroyed Chimgi-Tura. Originally Streltsy and  Cossacks made up majority of Tyumen population.

The Trinity Monastery, the first stone building in the town.
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The Trinity Monastery, the first stone building in the town.

The industrial development of Tyumen began with the construction of the Trans -Siberian railway which connected Tyumen with the European part of Russia.
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The industrial development of Tyumen began with the construction of the Trans -Siberian railway which connected Tyumen with the European part of Russia.

During the Great Patriotic War numerous factories were evacuated to Tyumen from the European part of the Soviet Union.  Lenin's body was taken by rail to Tyumen from Moscow where it was stored for the duration of the war in what is now the Tyumen Agriculture Academy.
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During the Great Patriotic War numerous factories were evacuated to Tyumen from the European part of the Soviet Union.  Lenin's body was taken by rail to Tyumen from Moscow where it was stored for the duration of the war in what is now the Tyumen Agriculture Academy.

On August 14, 1944 Tyumen became the capital of Tyumen Oblast.
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On August 14, 1944 Tyumen became the capital of Tyumen Oblast.

Tyumen region - one of the largest in the Russian Federation, its area is 8.4% of the country. As part of the Tyumen oblast are Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets Districts. The Tyumen oblast is washed by the Kara Sea. The main river of the Tyumen oblast is the Ob. Two thirds of Russian oil and gas are e
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Tyumen region - one of the largest in the Russian Federation, its area is 8.4% of the country. As part of the Tyumen oblast are Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets Districts. The Tyumen oblast is washed by the Kara Sea. The main river of the Tyumen oblast is the Ob. Two thirds of Russian oil and gas are extracted here .

It was born anew of the Tyumen oblast on June 21, 1960, the day when oil was founded near a little village of Shaim.
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It was born anew of the Tyumen oblast on June 21, 1960, the day when oil was founded near a little village of Shaim.

Many world level oil and gas companies such as Gazprom, LUKoil and Gazpromneft, TNK-BP, Shell have their offices in Tyumen. UTair is also based in Tyumen.
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Many world level oil and gas companies such as Gazprom, LUKoil and Gazpromneft, TNK-BP, Shell have their offices in Tyumen. UTair is also based in Tyumen.

Tyumen is one of the Russian towns which have its own Technopark.
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Tyumen is one of the Russian towns which have its own Technopark.

Since the discovery of oil and gas Tyumen has grown fastly .
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Since the discovery of oil and gas Tyumen has grown fastly .

Now it covers the area of more than 235 square kilometers and the multinational population of Tyumen is about 644.000 people.
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Now it covers the area of more than 235 square kilometers and the multinational population of Tyumen is about 644.000 people.

Many beautiful parks, squares and historical monuments decorate the image of the ancient town. The central part of old Tyumen has many historic buildings.
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Many beautiful parks, squares and historical monuments decorate the image of the ancient town. The central part of old Tyumen has many historic buildings.

Several museums, many libraries, Palaces of Culture, the Puppet and the Drama Theatres, the Concert Hall, the Picture Gallery make Tyumen a cultural centre.
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Several museums, many libraries, Palaces of Culture, the Puppet and the Drama Theatres, the Concert Hall, the Picture Gallery make Tyumen a cultural centre.

Tyumenians like to visit places of entertainment: different bars, cinemas, and night clubs.
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Tyumenians like to visit places of entertainment: different bars, cinemas, and night clubs.

Tyumen is the town of students. There are three universities, five academies and tens of colleges in Tyumen. There are about one hundred secondary schools in Tyumen.
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Tyumen is the town of students. There are three universities, five academies and tens of colleges in Tyumen. There are about one hundred secondary schools in Tyumen.

Tyumen is served by the Roschino Airport locates 13 km to West of the city.
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Tyumen is served by the Roschino Airport locates 13 km to West of the city.

In 1986, in honor of its 400th anniversary, and for services to country the city was awarded by the Order of the October Revolution.
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In 1986, in honor of its 400th anniversary, and for services to country the city was awarded by the Order of the October Revolution.

During the period from 1867 to the present day the title of "Honorary Citizen of the city of Tyumen" got 46 people (8 people - before the revolution), among them: Yuri Gulyaev Yuri Gagarin Erve Raul-Yuri. Erve Raul-Yuri (1909 - 1991) is a legendary geologist who led the search and discover
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During the period from 1867 to the present day the title of "Honorary Citizen of the city of Tyumen" got 46 people (8 people - before the revolution), among them:

Yuri Gulyaev Yuri Gagarin Erve Raul-Yuri

Erve Raul-Yuri (1909 - 1991) is a legendary geologist who led the search and discovery of Tyumen oil.

Famous citizens of Tyumen. Vladislav Krapivin is the Russian writer, author of the books for children and about the children. Eugene Matveev is the People's Artist of the USSR. Grigory Syatvinda, Russian film and theater actor. Anastasia Kuzmina, the Olympic champion
Слайд 24

Famous citizens of Tyumen

Vladislav Krapivin is the Russian writer, author of the books for children and about the children.

Eugene Matveev is the People's Artist of the USSR

Grigory Syatvinda, Russian film and theater actor

Anastasia Kuzmina, the Olympic champion

Tyumen is our native city, the best city in the world.
Слайд 25

Tyumen is our native city, the best city in the world.

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Дата добавления:8 августа 2015
Содержит:25 слайд(ов)
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