Презентация "The capital of Great Britain" – проект, доклад
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The National Gallery. The National Gallery was founded, thanks to King George IV, who demanded the government to acquire a collection of 38 paintings, ...Scientists of Great Britain
Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton one of the greatest men in the history of science was born in a little village in the middle of the 17th century. He studded ...Sights of Great Britain
Great Britain, complete official form - United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland. The state consists of four "historical provinces“: England, ...Great Britain
Great Britain (the full name - the United Kingdom of and Northern Ireland, England). An island nation in Western Europe. Administrative division of ...Great Britain and Ukraine
Universities. Oxford University. Cambridge University. University. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Ostrog Academy. Palaces and Castles. Windsor Castle. Buckingham ...Great Britain
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Snowdonia. -Area: 2170 sguare kilometres -North of Wales -Founded in 1951. One of the first three national parks of England. Snowdonia took its name ...Great Britain
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. Преподаватель: Шайдуллина Диана Рустамовна. Школа: «Арская средняя школа №1 им В.Ф.Ежкова с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов». Класс: ...HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS IN GREAT BRITAIN
Урок. . английского. . языка. . в. 7. классе. Тема. . урока. : HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Разработала:. учитель английского ...Советы как сделать хороший доклад презентации или проекта
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Информация о презентации
Дата добавления:11 ноября 2018
Категория:Иностранный язык
Содержит:17 слайд(ов)
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