Презентация "Karl Marx" – проект, доклад

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KARL MARX 1818 - 1883 Janelle Baideme and Lindsay Bell
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KARL MARX 1818 - 1883 Janelle Baideme and Lindsay Bell

BACKGROUND. Idealist Materialist Nominalist Born: May 5th, 1818 in Trier, Prussia in Rhineland. First was called “Carl”. Died on March 17th, 1883 Trier benefited from Progressive Philosophy of the Enlightenment such as the public work projects. One of 9 children and only one to live until 40.
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Idealist Materialist Nominalist Born: May 5th, 1818 in Trier, Prussia in Rhineland. First was called “Carl”. Died on March 17th, 1883 Trier benefited from Progressive Philosophy of the Enlightenment such as the public work projects. One of 9 children and only one to live until 40.

Raised with mix of Judaism, Christianity, and Secularism Karl’s Parents: Rabbi Mother: A Dutch Jew who, unlike her husband, was only semi-literate. She claimed to suffer from "excessive mother love", devoting much time to her family, and insisting on cleanliness within her home. Father: La
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Raised with mix of Judaism, Christianity, and Secularism Karl’s Parents: Rabbi Mother: A Dutch Jew who, unlike her husband, was only semi-literate. She claimed to suffer from "excessive mother love", devoting much time to her family, and insisting on cleanliness within her home. Father: Lawyer, broke away from religious heritage by being the first to gain secular education.

Father: Represented departure from Jewish teachings and took the opportunities of trades and professions. Jews were once deprived.
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Father: Represented departure from Jewish teachings and took the opportunities of trades and professions. Jews were once deprived.

Intellectual influences. Enlightenment ideals of humans being able to alter their environment to allow for fuller human capacity. Ideals of Romanticism where Marx developed a concern for individuals and collective struggles.
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Intellectual influences

Enlightenment ideals of humans being able to alter their environment to allow for fuller human capacity.

Ideals of Romanticism where Marx developed a concern for individuals and collective struggles.

Kant’s philosophy that antagonism between men was the ultimate driving force in history. Conflict is inevitable. Hegelian thought that objectivity is a product of the mind’s activity. Humans fall into “bondage” of the laws and events that we create. Marx developed ideas of reification through this c
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Kant’s philosophy that antagonism between men was the ultimate driving force in history. Conflict is inevitable.

Hegelian thought that objectivity is a product of the mind’s activity. Humans fall into “bondage” of the laws and events that we create. Marx developed ideas of reification through this concept.


Hegel’s philosophy: Dialectic – a way of thinking that stresses the importance of processes, relations, dynamics, conflicts, and contradictions. Idealism – emphasizes the importance of the mind and mental products rather than the material world. Marx used some of Hegel’s notions to construct ideas t
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Hegel’s philosophy: Dialectic – a way of thinking that stresses the importance of processes, relations, dynamics, conflicts, and contradictions. Idealism – emphasizes the importance of the mind and mental products rather than the material world.

Marx used some of Hegel’s notions to construct ideas that society is a construct of human’s and can therefore be shaped and reshaped by humans.

Young Hegelians Gospels were works of imagination. If you rid the world of religious illusions, you remove the misery from people’s minds. Holistic approach where everything should be considered (totality) from beginning to end. One must start with the family unit when exploring society.
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Young Hegelians Gospels were works of imagination. If you rid the world of religious illusions, you remove the misery from people’s minds. Holistic approach where everything should be considered (totality) from beginning to end. One must start with the family unit when exploring society.

LUDWIG FEUERBACH. Feuerbach helped Marx realize Hegel’s ideas of subjective idealism was not as important as material reality. Feuerbach furthered Marx’s ideas on religion by stating that God is merely a human projection, and that humans place God above themselves. This acts as an alienation process
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Feuerbach helped Marx realize Hegel’s ideas of subjective idealism was not as important as material reality.

Feuerbach furthered Marx’s ideas on religion by stating that God is merely a human projection, and that humans place God above themselves. This acts as an alienation process for humans.

Human history is man made and therefore humans must realize happiness in this life.

FRIEDRICH ENGELS. Engels helped Marx realize that the proletariat would rise up in revolution to save itself. Marx realized, through Engels, the concrete conditions and misery of the working class. This helped him realize all of history was a class struggle. Every class struggle is a political strug
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Engels helped Marx realize that the proletariat would rise up in revolution to save itself.

Marx realized, through Engels, the concrete conditions and misery of the working class. This helped him realize all of history was a class struggle.

Every class struggle is a political struggle, therefore there is a connection of politics and the economy.

CONCEPTS & CONTRIBUTIONS. Society is divided into two major classes: Proletariat – The working class (creators of the means of production) Bourgeoisie – The owners of capital.
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Society is divided into two major classes: Proletariat – The working class (creators of the means of production) Bourgeoisie – The owners of capital.

HISTORICAL MATERIALISM The process of change in the real world of material, physical reality. Marx wanted a reconciliation of materialism and idealism by combining scientific aspects of materialism with the historical components of idealism. Marx’s dialectical approach – mind and matter, spirit and
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HISTORICAL MATERIALISM The process of change in the real world of material, physical reality. Marx wanted a reconciliation of materialism and idealism by combining scientific aspects of materialism with the historical components of idealism. Marx’s dialectical approach – mind and matter, spirit and nature, together constitute the unified structure of reality.

Freedom and slavery are both ideas and exist in the real world. However, religions are just opiates that hamper human condition useless.

HISTORICAL MATERIALISM Man has a need for material satisfaction. Capitalism was necessary to advance human capital. Human history is that through which humans change themselves and change nature (where animals cannot). Humans realize they can produce their own means of subsistence. The production of
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HISTORICAL MATERIALISM Man has a need for material satisfaction. Capitalism was necessary to advance human capital. Human history is that through which humans change themselves and change nature (where animals cannot). Humans realize they can produce their own means of subsistence. The production of material life is the cornerstone of history. Once primary needs are met, humans seek secondary needs, and some reach secondary needs before others (division of labor) Class distinction determined by possessions (land).

CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS This is determined by one’s relative position to the means of production and access to scarce resources. It is a common identification among members of a given class. Once workers realized their common suffering, they would unite in revolution! WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!!! DYSLE
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CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS This is determined by one’s relative position to the means of production and access to scarce resources. It is a common identification among members of a given class. Once workers realized their common suffering, they would unite in revolution!


CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS 4. Workers could only unite once they ridded themselves of false consciousness. - The inability to see where one’s best interest lies. - Religion was a main force behind this. 5. Classes are structures external to, and coercive of, people 6. Possession of property becomes the ult
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CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS 4. Workers could only unite once they ridded themselves of false consciousness. - The inability to see where one’s best interest lies. - Religion was a main force behind this. 5. Classes are structures external to, and coercive of, people 6. Possession of property becomes the ultimate determination of class formation and the inevitable development of class struggle.

GRUNDRISSE A manuscript written by Marx not published until 1941. The ruling class must keep the workers subjected to their authority, yet are dependent upon their labor for wealth. Labor is reproduced through wages. Alienation results when humans become dominated by the force of their own creation
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GRUNDRISSE A manuscript written by Marx not published until 1941. The ruling class must keep the workers subjected to their authority, yet are dependent upon their labor for wealth. Labor is reproduced through wages. Alienation results when humans become dominated by the force of their own creation (money, religion, etc.). It confronts humans as alien powers.

ALIENATION Four Types: Workers are alienated from objects they produce. They do not own what they produce. Workers are alienated from the process of production. They are not working for their own needs, but for the capitalist. Workers are alienated from themselves. They are not allowed to realize th
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ALIENATION Four Types: Workers are alienated from objects they produce. They do not own what they produce. Workers are alienated from the process of production. They are not working for their own needs, but for the capitalist. Workers are alienated from themselves. They are not allowed to realize their potential performing the same task over and over on a daily basis. Workers are alienated from their fellow workers. They are either isolated or in direct competition with their companions.

Money is the pimp for humanity’s needs. It becomes the object of desire and alienates humans from their true essence. Fetishism of Commodities – workers fail to realize that their labor is what gives commodities their value.
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Money is the pimp for humanity’s needs. It becomes the object of desire and alienates humans from their true essence.

Fetishism of Commodities – workers fail to realize that their labor is what gives commodities their value.

IDEAS ON CAPITAL Capital involves the social relationship between buyers and sellers of labor power. Workers were exploited by a system they helped produce. Once they realized this, they could change the system. The superstructure of society consists of the sum total of the relations of production (
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IDEAS ON CAPITAL Capital involves the social relationship between buyers and sellers of labor power. Workers were exploited by a system they helped produce. Once they realized this, they could change the system. The superstructure of society consists of the sum total of the relations of production (raw materials, labor, and technology) and those who control production (capitalists). Private property is the private ownership of the means of production by the capitalists.

COMMUNISM In order for people to realize their human potential, they must overthrow the validity of private property. The means of production should be shared equally through public ownership. Under communism, people could realize their full potential. Marx wanted all people to realize their full hu
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COMMUNISM In order for people to realize their human potential, they must overthrow the validity of private property. The means of production should be shared equally through public ownership. Under communism, people could realize their full potential. Marx wanted all people to realize their full human potential and this could only occur once alienation, division of labor, private property, and other obstacles that blocked it were eliminated. A worldwide revolution would occur in which the workers would overthrow the capitalists and create a classless society.

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RELEVANCY. Poet, Philosopher, Sociologist, Economist, Historian, and a major gain to Sociological Thought. Expert with controversy and opposing interpretations. A Revolutionist t to overthrow capitalism and fought for the rights of workers. Contributed to the Liberation of the Modern Proletariat. Hi
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Poet, Philosopher, Sociologist, Economist, Historian, and a major gain to Sociological Thought. Expert with controversy and opposing interpretations. A Revolutionist t to overthrow capitalism and fought for the rights of workers. Contributed to the Liberation of the Modern Proletariat. His Concept of Communism served as a guiding tool toward a perfect Society

Marx wanted to REWRITE the rules to society. He was a revolutionary. Communist ideas were somewhat utopian. Governments can create laws to protect workers. Marx never saw the development of the middle class and the power of labor unions. Social justice programs have developed to help those in need.
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Marx wanted to REWRITE the rules to society. He was a revolutionary. Communist ideas were somewhat utopian. Governments can create laws to protect workers. Marx never saw the development of the middle class and the power of labor unions. Social justice programs have developed to help those in need.

PHILOSOPHY. Marx has been called "the first great user of Critical Method critical in social sciences." He criticized speculative philosophy, equating metaphysics with ideology. By using the above approach, Marx attempted to separate key findings from ideological bias and it set him apart
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Marx has been called "the first great user of Critical Method critical in social sciences." He criticized speculative philosophy, equating metaphysics with ideology. By using the above approach, Marx attempted to separate key findings from ideological bias and it set him apart from many contemporary philosophers.

Believes that humans are not trapped in a predetermined state of being. It is humans who made history, therefore they can change it. Viewed Capitalism as a step toward progressive society.
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Believes that humans are not trapped in a predetermined state of being. It is humans who made history, therefore they can change it. Viewed Capitalism as a step toward progressive society.

Realism v. Idealism: Since society can decide for itself, there are different interpretations Realism v. Nominalism : The Tangible world and capitalism. -Ideas exist in tangible world. -Connects abstract to real. Idealist v. Materialist: -Not about spirituality - Human struggle and capital.
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Realism v. Idealism: Since society can decide for itself, there are different interpretations Realism v. Nominalism : The Tangible world and capitalism. -Ideas exist in tangible world. -Connects abstract to real. Idealist v. Materialist: -Not about spirituality - Human struggle and capital.

OCCUPY!!!! Americans frustrated with the disparity in wealth distribution and income inequality in the United States took to the streets to “take back Wall Street.”
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Americans frustrated with the disparity in wealth distribution and income inequality in the United States took to the streets to “take back Wall Street.”

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Дата добавления:21 октября 2018
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