Презентация "австралийская кухня" – проект, доклад

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Australian cuisine
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Australian cuisine

Introduction. Australian cuisine has experienced steady English influence. She experiences a strong influence from the Chinese, Japanese and Italian cuisines. This is due to the large number of immigrants arriving in Australia.
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Australian cuisine has experienced steady English influence.

She experiences a strong influence from the Chinese, Japanese and Italian cuisines. This is due to the large number of immigrants arriving in Australia.

Australia is full of exotic animals and plants that are not found in Europe or Asia, so she has every reason to be if not the first in the culinary arts, but the first in the diversity of products.
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Australia is full of exotic animals and plants that are not found in Europe or Asia, so she has every reason to be if not the first in the culinary arts, but the first in the diversity of products.

Meals formed by the English model. Breakfast in Australia consists of vegetables, bread, eggs sausages, ham or one hot dish. Lunch is also resembles English: steak with potatoes and onions, pate of meat or a salad with mayonnaise, decorated with "Chester". However, Australians can be conte
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Meals formed by the English model.

Breakfast in Australia consists of vegetables, bread, eggs sausages, ham or one hot dish. Lunch is also resembles English: steak with potatoes and onions, pate of meat or a salad with mayonnaise, decorated with "Chester". However, Australians can be content sandwiches. Dinner consists of soup or appetizer, a meat or fish dish and a dessert.

Features. Australians eat a lot of beef and a little lamb. Mussels are almost not used in Australian cuisine, but it is widely used lobster and oysters. In addition to vegetables, Australians eat tropical fruits, such as taro, papaya, bananas, pineapples.
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Australians eat a lot of beef and a little lamb. Mussels are almost not used in Australian cuisine, but it is widely used lobster and oysters. In addition to vegetables, Australians eat tropical fruits, such as taro, papaya, bananas, pineapples.

They consume a lot of fish - including native species such as shpeper (tastes like pike perch), barracuda - with a pretty tough meat. Interesting the Australian method to fry fish: on the embers put a thick layer of grass, than fish, then again a layer of grass and cover it hot coals.
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They consume a lot of fish - including native species such as shpeper (tastes like pike perch), barracuda - with a pretty tough meat.

Interesting the Australian method to fry fish: on the embers put a thick layer of grass, than fish, then again a layer of grass and cover it hot coals.

Drinks. Australians love to drink tea. Also drink coffee, milk, fruit water, beer. Soft drinks are prepared from fruit juice with lemon, mint leaves and ginger. Very popular milk shakes and ice cream. Australia has quite good wines. Australian wines are made from cultured French, Spanish, Portuguese
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Australians love to drink tea. Also drink coffee, milk, fruit water, beer. Soft drinks are prepared from fruit juice with lemon, mint leaves and ginger. Very popular milk shakes and ice cream. Australia has quite good wines. Australian wines are made from cultured French, Spanish, Portuguese grape varieties.

Traditions of Australian cuisine. As well as Italy and France, Australia can be divided into several regions, each known for its dishes: the cream of the Royal Island, Sydney oysters, mango from Bow, Coffin Bay scallops, salmon from Tasmania.
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Traditions of Australian cuisine

As well as Italy and France, Australia can be divided into several regions, each known for its dishes: the cream of the Royal Island, Sydney oysters, mango from Bow, Coffin Bay scallops, salmon from Tasmania.

Aboriginal food. Speaking of Australia, can not be ignored and food natives, called «bush tucker» (cooked over charcoal). This flat cake "dumper" - a mixture of water and flour, «tea pot» (tea, boiled in marching pot). It should try one of the most interesting dishes, called "Soup of
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Aboriginal food

Speaking of Australia, can not be ignored and food natives, called «bush tucker» (cooked over charcoal). This flat cake "dumper" - a mixture of water and flour, «tea pot» (tea, boiled in marching pot). It should try one of the most interesting dishes, called "Soup of Anaboroo, Mango and Burrawong", consisting of three components: a bull roast on elastic grid entirely, tropical mango, and burravon - local nut.

Vegemite - Australian national dish. In 1922, Fred Walker has prepared a special "yeast extract", nutritious and tasty. He mixed the extract with other ingredients: celery, onion and salt. Turned a thick dark mass that can spread on bread, and use as a ready meal. During World War II, vege
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Vegemite - Australian national dish

In 1922, Fred Walker has prepared a special "yeast extract", nutritious and tasty. He mixed the extract with other ingredients: celery, onion and salt. Turned a thick dark mass that can spread on bread, and use as a ready meal. During World War II, vegemit was mandatory in ration Australians and soon proved to be so popular that it became scarce.

Exotic dishes Australia. Only in Australia can try unique dishes such as kangaroo in sauce of quandong - fruit, which is called "dessert peach ", lips shark, fingerlings eels, blue crabs and fresh oysters, meat crocodile and opossum.
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Exotic dishes Australia

Only in Australia can try unique dishes such as kangaroo in sauce of quandong - fruit, which is called "dessert peach ", lips shark, fingerlings eels, blue crabs and fresh oysters, meat crocodile and opossum.

Australian dessert. Among the desserts should mention Lamington - sponge cake circumfused chocolate fondant and sprinkled coconut shaving. Initially Lamington made of biscuit dough with stuffing of strawberries or raspberries.
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Australian dessert

Among the desserts should mention Lamington - sponge cake circumfused chocolate fondant and sprinkled coconut shaving. Initially Lamington made of biscuit dough with stuffing of strawberries or raspberries.

Conclusion. Australia is famous for exotic fruits, seafood, meat, bulls, lambs, cheese. What is happening in Australia at the present time, many rightly called a culinary revolution. Therefore Australian cuisine is one of the reasons to visit the "fifth continent".
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Australia is famous for exotic fruits, seafood, meat, bulls, lambs, cheese. What is happening in Australia at the present time, many rightly called a culinary revolution. Therefore Australian cuisine is one of the reasons to visit the "fifth continent".

Thanks for attention! Student of group 44 Speciality 2711 «Technology» Vyatka State College of Professional Technologies, Management and Service . 2013
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Thanks for attention!

Student of group 44 Speciality 2711 «Technology» Vyatka State College of Professional Technologies, Management and Service . 2013

Vocabulary. Diversity [daɪˈvə:sɪtɪ]-многообразие Resemble [rɪˈzembl]-напоминает Appetizer [ˈæpɪtaɪzə]-закуска Beef [bi:f]-говядина Lamb [læm]-ягнятина Mussels [ˈmʌsl]-мидии Oyster [ˈɔɪstə]-устрица Consume [kənˈsju:m]-потребляют Embers [ˈembə]-тлеющие угли. Salmon [ˈsæmən]-лосось Nutritious [nju:ˈtrɪ
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Diversity [daɪˈvə:sɪtɪ]-многообразие Resemble [rɪˈzembl]-напоминает Appetizer [ˈæpɪtaɪzə]-закуска Beef [bi:f]-говядина Lamb [læm]-ягнятина Mussels [ˈmʌsl]-мидии Oyster [ˈɔɪstə]-устрица Consume [kənˈsju:m]-потребляют Embers [ˈembə]-тлеющие угли

Salmon [ˈsæmən]-лосось Nutritious [nju:ˈtrɪʃəs]-питательный Tasty [ˈteɪstɪ]-вкусный Scarce [skɛəs]-дефицитный Fondant [ˈfɔndənt]-помадка Shavings [ˈʃeɪvɪŋ]-стружка Dough [dəu]-тесто Stuffing [ˈstʌfɪŋ]-начинка Strawberry [ˈstrɔ:bərɪ]-клубника Raspberry [ˈrɑ:zbərɪ]-малина

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  8. Старайтесь получить удовольствие от выступления, тогда Вы сможете быть более непринужденным и будете меньше волноваться.

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Дата добавления:3 октября 2018
Содержит:15 слайд(ов)
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