Презентация "How to Cooka Christmas Pudding ?" – проект, доклад

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Слайды презентации

How to Cook a Christmas Pudding ? Підготував : Учень 10 класу Кійко Едуард
Слайд 1

How to Cook a Christmas Pudding ?

Підготував : Учень 10 класу Кійко Едуард

I Hope You Like 
Слайд 2

I Hope You Like 

Christmas Pudding. No British Christmas is complete without a Christmas Pudding
Слайд 3

Christmas Pudding

No British Christmas is complete without a Christmas Pudding

To Cook a Christmas Pudding you need : 500 g / 1 lb currants 500 g / 1 lb raisins 500 g / 1 1b golden raisins 500 g / 1 lb bread crumbs 500 g / 1 lb brown sugar 250 g / 8 oz suet – get it from a butcher; if you can't find it, substitute with solid vegetable shortening 120 g / 4 oz mixed peel 120 g /
Слайд 4

To Cook a Christmas Pudding you need :

500 g / 1 lb currants 500 g / 1 lb raisins 500 g / 1 1b golden raisins 500 g / 1 lb bread crumbs 500 g / 1 lb brown sugar 250 g / 8 oz suet – get it from a butcher; if you can't find it, substitute with solid vegetable shortening 120 g / 4 oz mixed peel 120 g / 4 oz glace cherries, chopped 120 g / 4 oz almonds, chopped grated rind of 1 lemon grated rind of 1 orange 1 carrot, grated 1 apple, grated 6 eggs

Are you ready ? Let’s begin !
Слайд 5

Are you ready ? Let’s begin !

1-st Step Mix all the ingredients
Слайд 6

1-st Step Mix all the ingredients

2-nd Step. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
Слайд 7

2-nd Step

Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.

3-rd Step. Beat the eggs. Crack all six eggs into a bowl and beat them lightly with a fork.
Слайд 8

3-rd Step

Beat the eggs. Crack all six eggs into a bowl and beat them lightly with a fork.

4-th Step. Grease the bowl. Coat the inside of the glass bowl with the knob of butter.
Слайд 9

4-th Step

Grease the bowl. Coat the inside of the glass bowl with the knob of butter.

5-th Step. Transfer. Put the pudding mix into the bowl, pressing it down lightly and giving a final pat to make it level.
Слайд 10

5-th Step

Transfer. Put the pudding mix into the bowl, pressing it down lightly and giving a final pat to make it level.

6-th Step. Cover and seal. Place the circular piece of parchment paper over the mix, and gently press it down and around the edges.
Слайд 11

6-th Step

Cover and seal. Place the circular piece of parchment paper over the mix, and gently press it down and around the edges.

7-th Step. Make a Bain Marie. Place the bowl into the saucepan.
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7-th Step

Make a Bain Marie. Place the bowl into the saucepan.

8-th Step. Cook the pudding. Place the saucepan onto a high heat and bring the water to a boil. Once it is boiling, turn it down to a gentle simmer and allow to simmer for roughly 4 hours.
Слайд 13

8-th Step

Cook the pudding. Place the saucepan onto a high heat and bring the water to a boil. Once it is boiling, turn it down to a gentle simmer and allow to simmer for roughly 4 hours.

9-th Step. Remove the pudding from the heat after this time. Take off the tin foil.
Слайд 14

9-th Step

Remove the pudding from the heat after this time. Take off the tin foil.

10-th Step. Serve. Your Christmas pudding is now ready to serve!
Слайд 15

10-th Step

Serve. Your Christmas pudding is now ready to serve!

Our Christmas Pudding is Ready ! Bon Appetit !
Слайд 16

Our Christmas Pudding is Ready ! Bon Appetit !

And Merry Christmas !
Слайд 17

And Merry Christmas !

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Дата добавления:21 января 2019
Содержит:17 слайд(ов)
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