Презентация "Classical music" – проект, доклад

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MUSIC OF THE CLASSICAL PERIOD The Classical Period 1750-1825
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MUSIC OF THE CLASSICAL PERIOD The Classical Period 1750-1825

What does the term Classical mean? From 1750 artists, musicians and architects waned to get away from the strange opulence of the Baroque period and move to emulate the clean, uncluttered style of Classical Greece. The period is called Classical because of that desire to emulate the works of the anc
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What does the term Classical mean?

From 1750 artists, musicians and architects waned to get away from the strange opulence of the Baroque period and move to emulate the clean, uncluttered style of Classical Greece. The period is called Classical because of that desire to emulate the works of the ancient Greeks

Characteristics of the classical period. The Church and Monarchs were no longer the principle benefactors of the arts due to the political upheaval in Europe at the time. The aristocracy were the main patrons of the arts. They wanted impersonal but tuneful music from their composers. This led to the
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Characteristics of the classical period

The Church and Monarchs were no longer the principle benefactors of the arts due to the political upheaval in Europe at the time. The aristocracy were the main patrons of the arts. They wanted impersonal but tuneful music from their composers. This led to the term “absolute” music - which is music that is written for music’s sake.

All of the Classical composers were employed by various wealthy patrons. Much of their music was written for parties, ceremonies, or simply as a commission for a new work. The center of Classical music was Vienna, which is where all of the major composers lived and worked. There was also a sense of
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All of the Classical composers were employed by various wealthy patrons. Much of their music was written for parties, ceremonies, or simply as a commission for a new work. The center of Classical music was Vienna, which is where all of the major composers lived and worked. There was also a sense of Nationalism in the compositions.

Musical Characteristics. Great attention to musical form Use of dynamics as thematic material Inclusion of percussion instruments Strong sense of tension and release Use of modulation Opera Use of comic and witty melodies
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Musical Characteristics

Great attention to musical form Use of dynamics as thematic material Inclusion of percussion instruments Strong sense of tension and release Use of modulation Opera Use of comic and witty melodies

Music Innovations. Symphonic form Sonata form String Quartets Huge popularity of the Opera Invention of the modern Piano, as well as many other instruments Theme and Variations
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Music Innovations

Symphonic form Sonata form String Quartets Huge popularity of the Opera Invention of the modern Piano, as well as many other instruments Theme and Variations

The Symphonic Form. Mastered by Franz Joseph Haydn - he wrote 104 of them. An extended work for orchestra - usually 20 - 40 minutes in length.
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The Symphonic Form

Mastered by Franz Joseph Haydn - he wrote 104 of them. An extended work for orchestra - usually 20 - 40 minutes in length.

The Symphonic Orchestra
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The Symphonic Orchestra

The Sonata Form. The Sonata Form A one-movement piece for a solo instrument, usually accompanied by a piano - as opposed to a concerto, which is a multi-movement piece accompanied by an orchestra. There are three sections of a sonata- Exposition,Development,Recapitulation. All sonatas follow this fo
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The Sonata Form

The Sonata Form A one-movement piece for a solo instrument, usually accompanied by a piano - as opposed to a concerto, which is a multi-movement piece accompanied by an orchestra. There are three sections of a sonata- Exposition,Development,Recapitulation. All sonatas follow this form.

The String Quartet. A composition for four solo string instruments: -2 Violins –1 Viola 1 Cello Each part is equally important. Haydn was the first to write one - he also mastered them. Piece usually has four movements similar to that of the symphonic form.
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The String Quartet

A composition for four solo string instruments: -2 Violins –1 Viola 1 Cello Each part is equally important. Haydn was the first to write one - he also mastered them. Piece usually has four movements similar to that of the symphonic form.

Opera. While opera was invented much earlier in musical history, it was during this period and the one that followed that most of the most famous operas were written - including: The Magic Flute The Marriage of Figaro Don Giovanni All of these operas were written by Mozart. Beethoven, Haydn and Schu
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While opera was invented much earlier in musical history, it was during this period and the one that followed that most of the most famous operas were written - including: The Magic Flute The Marriage of Figaro Don Giovanni All of these operas were written by Mozart. Beethoven, Haydn and Schubert has no success with writing operas. An opera is basically a musical play with all of the words sung instead of spoken.

The Opera
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The Opera

Famous Classical Composers. Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Ludwig Von Beethoven (1770-1827) Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
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Famous Classical Composers

Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Ludwig Von Beethoven (1770-1827) Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

Christoph Willibald Gluck
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Christoph Willibald Gluck

Franz Joseph Haydn
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Franz Joseph Haydn

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Ludwig Von Beethoven
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Ludwig Von Beethoven

Franz Schubert
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Franz Schubert

Instruments of the Classical Period. Modern Flute Clarinet French Horn Valved Trumpet Trombone Percussion Piano
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Instruments of the Classical Period

Modern Flute Clarinet French Horn Valved Trumpet Trombone Percussion Piano

Conclusions. Most of the most famous composers in history come from this era. By 1825, the modern orchestra was almost fully in place (except for the tuba and low woodwinds). It was during this era that many of the most famous pieces of music were written, including symphonies and operas.
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Most of the most famous composers in history come from this era. By 1825, the modern orchestra was almost fully in place (except for the tuba and low woodwinds). It was during this era that many of the most famous pieces of music were written, including symphonies and operas.

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