- The most important problems of our environmental And How save our planet?

Презентация "The most important problems of our environmental And How save our planet?" – проект, доклад

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The most important problems of our environmental And How save our planet?
Слайд 1

The most important problems of our environmental And How save our planet?

Environmentalists say the air in a modern apartment 4 times dirtier than the outside, and 7 times more toxic. The main source of pollution - finishing materials and furniture. For construction and repair of premises used harmless substances. Such material are more friendly for our health. Eco-materi
Слайд 2

Environmentalists say the air in a modern apartment 4 times dirtier than the outside, and 7 times more toxic. The main source of pollution - finishing materials and furniture. For construction and repair of premises used harmless substances. Such material are more friendly for our health


Pollution from car , factories and power station is causing harmful greenhouse gases to build up in the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases prevent heat from escaping , and as a result our planet is getting warmer. This process is know as global warming. Factories
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Pollution from car , factories and power station is causing harmful greenhouse gases to build up in the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases prevent heat from escaping , and as a result our planet is getting warmer. This process is know as global warming


The biggest polluter today is the car. This problem is especially bad in cities , where the number of cars is increasing every year. For shorter journeys cycling is a much healthier alternative to driving a car , and many towns have introduced special cycle lanes. Cycling roads
Слайд 4

The biggest polluter today is the car. This problem is especially bad in cities , where the number of cars is increasing every year. For shorter journeys cycling is a much healthier alternative to driving a car , and many towns have introduced special cycle lanes.

Cycling roads

The big car companies are also working on developing new engine technology , so that cars can run on clear fuels such as hydrogen instead of petrol . This reduce the amount of pillution. Eco-patrol
Слайд 5

The big car companies are also working on developing new engine technology , so that cars can run on clear fuels such as hydrogen instead of petrol . This reduce the amount of pillution


We can help the environmental by choosing to buy green products , for example organic foods that are produced without using pesticides. Eco-label. Eco-labels and Green Stickers are labeling systems for food and consumer products.
Слайд 6

We can help the environmental by choosing to buy green products , for example organic foods that are produced without using pesticides.


Eco-labels and Green Stickers are labeling systems for food and consumer products.

In this day people should clean parks , beaches , streets from rubbishes . We have to meet once on week and make our environmental more cleaner. We must take carry about our future. Clean day
Слайд 7

In this day people should clean parks , beaches , streets from rubbishes . We have to meet once on week and make our environmental more cleaner. We must take carry about our future.

Clean day

The term GM foods is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques. Human health risks: Allergenicity Unknown effects on human health. Don’t use pesticides
Слайд 8

The term GM foods is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques. Human health risks: Allergenicity Unknown effects on human health

Don’t use pesticides

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Дата добавления:19 февраля 2019
Содержит:8 слайд(ов)
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