Презентация "Thanksgiving in the USA" – проект, доклад

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Thanksgiving Day
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Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving United States. American citizens are fond of Thanksgiving Day and always mark it with ardor and gladness. Everybody knows that November fourth Thursday is a day for the people to express thanks to the God, the period of entertainment and great generous banquets. The whole nation recolle
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Thanksgiving United States

American citizens are fond of Thanksgiving Day and always mark it with ardor and gladness. Everybody knows that November fourth Thursday is a day for the people to express thanks to the God, the period of entertainment and great generous banquets. The whole nation recollects the pilgrims. Namely the newcomers marked the end of gathering crops with a festival to express gratefulness. The adults and children are aware that 1621 is the year of the 'First Thanksgiving Day Feast' to be organized to reveal thanks to Almighty God. Later when the country obtained sovereignty Congress announced one day in autumn for people all over the country to celebrate thanksgiving.

The First Thanksgiving Feast
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The First Thanksgiving Feast

Tribute to Native Indians. A lot of people were sure that Thanksgiving Day was long ago established to recollect pilgrims who saved Indians giving them some meat and vegetables. But now everybody knows that it is a holiday to express gratitude towards Lord Almighty for his benedictions. And the Indi
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Tribute to Native Indians

A lot of people were sure that Thanksgiving Day was long ago established to recollect pilgrims who saved Indians giving them some meat and vegetables. But now everybody knows that it is a holiday to express gratitude towards Lord Almighty for his benedictions. And the Indians enjoy universal esteem as they showed the newcomers how to prepare meals under new conditions. The newcomers would surely have died if the native people hadn't have assisted them in that difficult situation.

Time for celebrating Traditional Harvest. People are always looking forward to the Thanksgiving Day as the relatives and friends have a good opportunity to gather round the table with lavish entertainment on it. There are Carved turkeys, Pumpkin Pie, Corns, Cranberry Sauce on the dinner tables. Ever
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Time for celebrating Traditional Harvest

People are always looking forward to the Thanksgiving Day as the relatives and friends have a good opportunity to gather round the table with lavish entertainment on it. There are Carved turkeys, Pumpkin Pie, Corns, Cranberry Sauce on the dinner tables. Everybody enjoys having rest and merry time.

Tradition of Gifting. People are always happy to receive presents and to give them to the relatives and acquaintances. Thanksgiving Day is the best opportunity to express your gratitude and esteem to all your beloved dearest and nearest, to the people you live under one roof or work together. You ca
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Tradition of Gifting

People are always happy to receive presents and to give them to the relatives and acquaintances. Thanksgiving Day is the best opportunity to express your gratitude and esteem to all your beloved dearest and nearest, to the people you live under one roof or work together. You can choose a great number of various surprises, only consider thoroughly the preferences of the person you want to give present to and buy thanksgiving flowers, or jewelry, or baked cookie hampers, or chocolate gift baskets, or candy-wreaths, or wine and so on

Black Friday and Festive Spirit

The Christmas festivities starts with the Thanksgiving Day. People go shopping in order to buy various food and presents for the families and friends. They call the day after thanksgiving 'Black Friday'. It can be explained by the fact that the accountants put down the gain using black ink. The owners of different stores are very glad to watch their return rising with every hour. Everybody feels happiness on these days and tries to make happy their relatives and friends. People invite each other to the cafes, give each other presents, adorn their houses.

Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. Thanksgiving is a holiday which each family ought to mark. On this day people demonstrate their gratitude for every happy moment of the previous time. It is universally recognized that people are to eat turkey during the Thanksgiving dinner, but some of us are not fo
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Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is a holiday which each family ought to mark. On this day people demonstrate their gratitude for every happy moment of the previous time. It is universally recognized that people are to eat turkey during the Thanksgiving dinner, but some of us are not fond of this dish or wish to have another thing. You can’t imagine a conventional Thanksgiving dinner without a turkey. Have a look of the bill of fare containing my propositions of dishes when you choose the generally accepted Thanksgiving dinner: Principal Dish: Turkey Garnish: Mashed Potatoes with Turkey Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, Corn, Homemade Cornbread Flavoring Bread: Crescent Small Loaves Sweet course: Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie

Farewell, O fragrant pumpkin pie!... Farewell, O fragrant pumpkin pie! Dyspeptic pork, adieu! Though to the college halls I hie. On field of battle though I die, my latest sob, my latest sigh shall wafted be to you! And thou, O doughnut rare and rich and fried divinely brown! Thy form shall fill a n
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Farewell, O fragrant pumpkin pie!...

Farewell, O fragrant pumpkin pie! Dyspeptic pork, adieu! Though to the college halls I hie. On field of battle though I die, my latest sob, my latest sigh shall wafted be to you! And thou, O doughnut rare and rich and fried divinely brown! Thy form shall fill a noble niche in memory's chamber whilst I pitch my tent beside the river which rolls on through Kingston town. And my Love—my little Nell, the apple of my eye to thee how can I say farewell? I love thee more than I can tell; I love thee more than anything—but—pie!

Thanksgiving Day Songs. Hello, Mr. Turkey Hello, Mr. Turkey how are you? Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you? With a gobble, gobble, gobble, And a wobble, wobble, wobble. Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you? Mr. Turkey I have a turkey, big and fat. (Make a fist with one hand-thumb Out for turkey's head) He sp
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Thanksgiving Day Songs

Hello, Mr. Turkey Hello, Mr. Turkey how are you? Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you? With a gobble, gobble, gobble, And a wobble, wobble, wobble. Hello, Mr. Turkey, how are you? Mr. Turkey I have a turkey, big and fat. (Make a fist with one hand-thumb Out for turkey's head) He spreads his tail and walks like that. (Attach "tail" by spreading Out fingers of other hand and join together) His daily corn he would not miss. (Poke with thumb at floor) And when he talks, it sounds like this: Gobble Gobble Gobble

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