Классный час «The Titanic» по английскому языку для 1-11 класса

The Titanic

I-Answer the questions:

1-When did people buy the tickets?

2-How many sociable classes were there?

3-Who was captain of Titanic?

4-What could first class passengers have on board of Titanic?

5-Why did the Titanic crash into the iceberg?

6-What did people know when the panic began?

7-When did liner “Carpathia” arrive?

8-When did the Titanic sink?

II-Say True or False

1-A lot of people bought tickets for the first voyage across the Pacific from Europe to India.

2-First class passengers could not have lovely music, delicious food.

3-On the 14 th of April, everybody on board heard a horrible sound.

4-There were enough lifeboats for all the passenger.

5-only 300 passenger of the Titanic survived.

6-On 15 th of April the Titanic sank.

III-Translate from Russian into English

1-Много людей купили билеты на первое кругосветное путешествие через Атлантический океан, через Европу в Америку.

2-Капитан корабля и его помощники были уверены, что корабль безопасный и непотопляемый.

3-Титаник столкнулся с айсбергом.

4-Все поняли, что на корабле мало лодок.

5-В этой трагедии выжили только 700 людей.

6- Титаник утонул 15 апреля, в 2:20.

VI-Match the word combinations:

1-the first a- sound

2-rich b-the Titanic

3-terrible c-voyage

4-to design d- music

5-lovely e-food

6-delicious f-people

V-Make the words:













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Дата добавления:27 мая 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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