- Вставь пропущенные буквы

Тест «Вставь пропущенные буквы» по английскому языку

Вставь пропущенные буквы

Pi-ni- -inema

We-kend So-ial

Gro-p Arr-nge

Par-ner Lo-al

Invit-tion V-sit


Local football team

Invitation to Britain

Social programme

Group of 10 students

to arrange a party

Запиши слово правильно

Viontitation Promeamgr

Endekwe Geranar

Aslcio Nerratpa

Maneci Tutisaion


Построй разделительный вопрос

1/They are going to study Literature, ---?

2.We shall spend holidays in London,….?

3.His friend can speak English,…?

4.You are not a doctor,…?

5.Helen was late yesterday,…?

6.They don`t speak Russian,…?

Вставь пропущенное слово

1.I can see a –--- of children.

2.They are going to go to the----

3.Students have a special----programme.

4.They got an ----- from British school.

5.The teacher arranged -----

6.Russian students will-----with British families.

(educational, invitation, a picnic, stay, group, cinema, travel, responsible)

Построй предложения о своих намерениях на выходные, используя структуру be going to и выражения:

Visit friends

Go to the dacha

Watch TV

Play computer games

Read magazines

Play sport

Go shopping

Вставь пропущенные буквы

Pi-ni- -inema

We-kend So-ial

Gro-p Arr-nge

Par-ner Lo-al

Invit-tion V-sit


Local football team

Invitation to Britain

Social programme

Group of 10 students

to arrange a party

Запиши слово правильно

Viontitation Promeamgr

Endekwe Geranar

Aslcio Nerratpa

Maneci Tutisaion


Построй разделительный вопрос

1/They are going to study Literature, ---?

2.We shall spend holidays in London,….?

3.His friend can speak English,…?

4.You are not a doctor,…?

5.Helen was late yesterday,…?

6.They don`t speak Russian,…?

Вставь пропущенное слово

1.I can see a –--- of children.

2.They are going to go to the----

3.Students have a special----programme.

4.They got an ----- from British school.

5.The teacher arranged -----

6.Russian students will-----with British families.

(educational, invitation, a picnic, stay, group, cinema, travel, responsible)

Построй предложения о своих намерениях на выходные, используя структуру be going to и выражения:

Visit friends

Go to the dacha

Watch TV

Play computer games

Read magazines

Play sport

Go shopping

Вставь пропущенные буквы

Pi-ni- -inema

We-kend So-ial

Gro-p Arr-nge

Par-ner Lo-al

Invit-tion V-sit


Local football team

Invitation to Britain

Social programme

Group of 10 students

to arrange a party

Запиши слово правильно

Viontitation Promeamgr

Endekwe Geranar

Aslcio Nerratpa

Maneci Tutisaion


Построй разделительный вопрос

1/They are going to study Literature, ---?

2.We shall spend holidays in London,….?

3.His friend can speak English,…?

4.You are not a doctor,…?

5.Helen was late yesterday,…?

6.They don`t speak Russian,…?

Вставь пропущенное слово

1.I can see a –--- of children.

2.They are going to go to the----

3.Students have a special----programme.

4.They got an ----- from British school.

5.The teacher arranged -----

6.Russian students will-----with British families.

(educational, invitation, a picnic, stay, group, cinema, travel, responsible)

Построй предложения о своих намерениях на выходные, используя структуру be going to и выражения:

Visit friends

Go to the dacha

Watch TV

Play computer games

Read magazines

Play sport

Go shopping

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Ваша оценка: Оцените тест по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:11 октября 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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