Презентация "Easter island" – проект, доклад

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Easter island. Made by: Borovaya M.Ya. DT-SH13-1
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Easter island

Made by: Borovaya M.Ya. DT-SH13-1

Easter island («Rapa Nui») is a Polynesian island in the south-eastern Pacific Ocean, is a territory of Chile.
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Easter island («Rapa Nui») is a Polynesian island in the south-eastern Pacific Ocean, is a territory of Chile.

Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world.
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Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world.

According to the 2012 census, it has about 5800 residents. The island's capital and only town is Hanga Roa.
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According to the 2012 census, it has about 5800 residents. The island's capital and only town is Hanga Roa.

It has an area of 163 square kilometres. The island has the shape of a right triangle.
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It has an area of 163 square kilometres. The island has the shape of a right triangle.

. It is a volcanic high island, consistent mainly of three extinct volcanoes.
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. It is a volcanic high island, consistent mainly of three extinct volcanoes.

The climate of Easter Island is warm and tropical. The lowest temperatures are recorded in July and August and the higest - in February. Winters are mild, the rainest month is May.
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The climate of Easter Island is warm and tropical. The lowest temperatures are recorded in July and August and the higest - in February. Winters are mild, the rainest month is May.

Flora of the island is where is very poor: experts accounts for no more than 30 species of plants. Now there aren't any forrest.
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Flora of the island is where is very poor: experts accounts for no more than 30 species of plants. Now there aren't any forrest.

Tourism is the main source of income of population.
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Tourism is the main source of income of population.

All planes lands at the only airport - Mataveri.
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All planes lands at the only airport - Mataveri.

On Rapa Nui these is only one dock for small ships. On the island there are several hotels.
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On Rapa Nui these is only one dock for small ships. On the island there are several hotels.

Since 1975, on the island every year in January festival "Tapati" is held. It accompanied by dancing, singing and various traditional competitions Rapa Nui.
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Since 1975, on the island every year in January festival "Tapati" is held. It accompanied by dancing, singing and various traditional competitions Rapa Nui.

Moai are stone statues on the coast of Easter Island, they have forms of a human heads with body truncated to belt level. Moai were made in the quarries in the centrer of the island.
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Moai are stone statues on the coast of Easter Island, they have forms of a human heads with body truncated to belt level. Moai were made in the quarries in the centrer of the island.

Rano Raraku is one of the most interesting places for tourists. At the bottom of the volcano are located about 300 moai of different heights.
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Rano Raraku is one of the most interesting places for tourists. At the bottom of the volcano are located about 300 moai of different heights.

On the coast of the bay Anakena is one of the most beautiful beaches on the island with crystal white coral sand. The bay is allowed to swim.
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On the coast of the bay Anakena is one of the most beautiful beaches on the island with crystal white coral sand. The bay is allowed to swim.

Thank you for attention!
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Thank you for attention!

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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:17 октября 2019
Содержит:16 слайд(ов)
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