Презентация "Stomach cancer symptoms" по медицине – проект, доклад

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Презентацию на тему "Stomach cancer symptoms" можно скачать абсолютно бесплатно на нашем сайте. Предмет проекта: Медицина. Красочные слайды и иллюстрации помогут вам заинтересовать своих одноклассников или аудиторию. Для просмотра содержимого воспользуйтесь плеером, или если вы хотите скачать доклад - нажмите на соответствующий текст под плеером. Презентация содержит 8 слайд(ов).

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Stomach Cancer Symptoms Risks and Prevention
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Stomach Cancer Symptoms Risks and Prevention

Stomach cancer symptoms are triggered whenever an ulcer or tumor/lump forms within the inside from the stomach walls. Oftentimes, it takes place the cancerous cells make their base within the stomach without giving any hint of the physical tumor. For this reason stomach cancer isn't necessarily dete
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Stomach cancer symptoms are triggered whenever an ulcer or tumor/lump forms within the inside from the stomach walls. Oftentimes, it takes place the cancerous cells make their base within the stomach without giving any hint of the physical tumor. For this reason stomach cancer isn't necessarily detected over time. Initially, cancer stays within the bounds from the stomach. Gradually, but surely, it'll spread with other regions which are in close closeness towards the stomach.

The various kinds of stomach cancer are often categorized on foundation of their host to origin. Different kinds: Lymphomas - In this kind of stomach cancer, the lymphatic systems will get affected first and therefore it's known so. Carcinoid tumor - Here, the very first target from the cancerous ce
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The various kinds of stomach cancer are often categorized on foundation of their host to origin. Different kinds:

Lymphomas - In this kind of stomach cancer, the lymphatic systems will get affected first and therefore it's known so. Carcinoid tumor - Here, the very first target from the cancerous cells may be the neuroendocrine system. Carcinomas - There's a particular cell contained in the liner from the stomach. It's called squamous. Carcinomas cancer starts within this cell. Sarcomas - This cancer affects the stomach's muscle layer

Doctors have yet been not able to recognize the precise reasons for the growing cancer cases. However, within the period, they've recognized certain elements which might lead to stomach cancer: Chain smoking. Weight problems. Use of excessive red-colored meat and salt. Excessive alcoholic consumptio
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Doctors have yet been not able to recognize the precise reasons for the growing cancer cases. However, within the period, they've recognized certain elements which might lead to stomach cancer:

Chain smoking. Weight problems. Use of excessive red-colored meat and salt. Excessive alcoholic consumption. Frequent acidity reflux. Hereditary. Being male. Patients are usually above age 60. Most of patients had the bloodstream group A.

Initial stage signs and symptoms: Problems in ingesting is the basic stomach cancer symptom. An individual does not experience hunger more often than not and whenever he/she does, even eating in small amounts helps make the person feel bloated and uncomfortable. An individual feels underneath the we
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Initial stage signs and symptoms:

Problems in ingesting is the basic stomach cancer symptom. An individual does not experience hunger more often than not and whenever he/she does, even eating in small amounts helps make the person feel bloated and uncomfortable. An individual feels underneath the weather more often than not and does not feel as much as any physical task. Publish meals, the individual will get uncomfortable and faces acid reflux. Discomfort within the stomach.

Signs and Symptoms noticed in the advanced stages: Bloody coughing. Weight loss. The individual excretions are dark colored. A lump, that is really the tumor, might be felt within the stomach from the patient.
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Signs and Symptoms noticed in the advanced stages:

Bloody coughing. Weight loss. The individual excretions are dark colored. A lump, that is really the tumor, might be felt within the stomach from the patient.

Stomach cancer symptoms Слайд: 7
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One factor to bear in mind is the fact that these signs and symptoms, though noticed in patients identified with stomach cancer symptoms, are by no means sufficient enough for any self-diagnosis. It might be signs of a different disease and when you find these signs and symptoms, a healthcare facili
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One factor to bear in mind is the fact that these signs and symptoms, though noticed in patients identified with stomach cancer symptoms, are by no means sufficient enough for any self-diagnosis. It might be signs of a different disease and when you find these signs and symptoms, a healthcare facility may be the to begin with to visit. Just like other kinds of cancer, the remedies for stomach cancer are chemotherapy, surgery, biological therapy and radiotherapy.

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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:8 октября 2018
Содержит:8 слайд(ов)
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