Презентация "The green movement" – проект, доклад

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"Green" movement in the world. Has executed: Motorina Alexa 10 class
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"Green" movement in the world

Has executed: Motorina Alexa 10 class

Green movement-general the name of groups, currents, the non-governmental and political organisations engaged in struggle against destruction of environment and achieving большей harmony in mutual relations between the person and the nature. Their features
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Green movement-general the name of groups, currents, the non-governmental and political organisations engaged in struggle against destruction of environment and achieving большей harmony in mutual relations between the person and the nature.

Their features

Green color which is used by participants of movement as the general emblem, serves as a symbol of the nature, hope and updating
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Green color which is used by participants of movement as the general emblem, serves as a symbol of the nature, hope and updating

The main objective — to achieve the decision of global environmental problems, including by attraction to them of attention of the public and the authorities.
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The main objective — to achieve the decision of global environmental problems, including by attraction to them of attention of the public and the authorities.

Crisis accruing in the conditions of a developed industrial society in mutual relations between a human society and environment surrounding it became a real basis for occurrence Green.
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Crisis accruing in the conditions of a developed industrial society in mutual relations between a human society and environment surrounding it became a real basis for occurrence Green.

In 1971 the small group of the active workers inspired by dream of the pure world without war and violence, has gone to swimming on the small fishery vessel from the Canadian city of Vancouver. Active workers of anti-war movement, the future founders Green Peace, trusted, what even some persons can
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In 1971 the small group of the active workers inspired by dream of the pure world without war and violence, has gone to swimming on the small fishery vessel from the Canadian city of Vancouver. Active workers of anti-war movement, the future founders Green Peace, trusted, what even some persons can make much for the planet.

One of the largest victories гринписовцев in the given campaign can name refusal of flooding of an oil platform Brent Spar as it contained many toxic substances. Several active workers managed to steal up on a raft to a platform and to chain themselves to it. The parliament of Great Britain has reso
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One of the largest victories гринписовцев in the given campaign can name refusal of flooding of an oil platform Brent Spar as it contained many toxic substances. Several active workers managed to steal up on a raft to a platform and to chain themselves to it. The parliament of Great Britain has resolved companies Shell the given procedure, but the company management nevertheless has made decision to cancel flooding and to arrive how active workers recommended to them: have disassembled a platform in parts ashore.

Public control and informing of the Center of the world heritage on a condition of an ecosystem of Baikal (1996-2001); Participation in working out and assistance to adoption of law of the Russian Federation «About protection of lake Baikal» (1995-1999); Stop of civil-engineering designs of new ecol
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Public control and informing of the Center of the world heritage on a condition of an ecosystem of Baikal (1996-2001); Participation in working out and assistance to adoption of law of the Russian Federation «About protection of lake Baikal» (1995-1999); Stop of civil-engineering designs of new ecologically dangerous manufactures in Baikalsk (1995-2000); Closing of shop mercury электролиза at industrial complex "Усольехимпром" and the termination of pollution of the river of Angara by mercury (1997-1998); In 2007 the Moscow experts have not allocated any quota for shooting of the Baikal seal (2007); The government of the Russian Federation has suspended working out of the Holodninsky deposit located in the Central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory (2008).

Kumi Naidy— the South African public figure, the active fighter for human rights and the head of the International group on preservation of the environment, Greenpease. It became the first African who has headed this organization.
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Kumi Naidy— the South African public figure, the active fighter for human rights and the head of the International group on preservation of the environment, Greenpease. It became the first African who has headed this organization.

The countries in which there are offices Greenpeace. National offices Green Peace are opened in 43 countries of the world as the independent units working over achievement of the purposes of the national projects. Management of each such branch in which head there is a chief executive, carries out n
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The countries in which there are offices Greenpeace

National offices Green Peace are opened in 43 countries of the world as the independent units working over achievement of the purposes of the national projects. Management of each such branch in which head there is a chief executive, carries out national board. The general policy and strategy of the international projects is defined at annual meetings of chief executives and directors for campaigns of all offices Green Peace.

Thanks for attention!
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Thanks for attention!

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  1. Постарайтесь вовлечь аудиторию в рассказ, настройте взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью наводящих вопросов, игровой части, не бойтесь пошутить и искренне улыбнуться (где это уместно).
  2. Старайтесь объяснять слайд своими словами, добавлять дополнительные интересные факты, не нужно просто читать информацию со слайдов, ее аудитория может прочитать и сама.
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Дата добавления:7 октября 2018
Содержит:11 слайд(ов)
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