Презентация "M.v. lomonosov (викторина)" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Слайды презентации

M.V. Lomonosov Quiz
Слайд 1

M.V. Lomonosov Quiz

30 40 50 10
Слайд 2

30 40 50 10

a) November 19, 1711 b) October 24, 1710 c) December 25, 1712 When was M. Lomonosov born?
Слайд 3

a) November 19, 1711 b) October 24, 1710 c) December 25, 1712 When was M. Lomonosov born?

M.Lomonosov was born on the 19 th of November 1711
Слайд 4

M.Lomonosov was born on the 19 th of November 1711

Where was M.Lomonosov born? a) the village of Denisovka b) the village of Petrovka c) the village of Vasilievka
Слайд 5

Where was M.Lomonosov born? a) the village of Denisovka b) the village of Petrovka c) the village of Vasilievka

a)M.V. Lomonosov was born in the village of Denisovka, near Kholmogory (later renamed Lomonosovo in his honor) in the Arkhangelsk Governorate.
Слайд 6

a)M.V. Lomonosov was born in the village of Denisovka, near Kholmogory (later renamed Lomonosovo in his honor) in the Arkhangelsk Governorate.

What was Lomonosov’s father? a) a doctor b) a fisherman c) a sailor
Слайд 7

What was Lomonosov’s father? a) a doctor b) a fisherman c) a sailor

c) His father, Vasily Dorofeyevich Lomonosov, was a fisherman .
Слайд 8

c) His father, Vasily Dorofeyevich Lomonosov, was a fisherman .

What were his first books? a) historical books b) medical books c) church books
Слайд 9

What were his first books? a) historical books b) medical books c) church books

c) For many years the only books Lomonosov had access to were religious texts.
Слайд 10

c) For many years the only books Lomonosov had access to were religious texts.

How did Lomonosov go to Moscow? a) by sea b) on foot c) by train
Слайд 11

How did Lomonosov go to Moscow? a) by sea b) on foot c) by train

b) He decided to study in Moscow. He went there on foot.
Слайд 12

b) He decided to study in Moscow. He went there on foot.

What Academy did Lomonosov enter in Moscow? a) the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. b) the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. c) the Stroganov School for Technical Drawing.
Слайд 13

What Academy did Lomonosov enter in Moscow?

a) the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

b) the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

c) the Stroganov School for Technical Drawing.

a) He entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy .
Слайд 14

a) He entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy .

How old was M.Lomonosov when he entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy? a)17 years old b)15 years old c) 19 years old
Слайд 15

How old was M.Lomonosov when he entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy?

a)17 years old b)15 years old c) 19 years old

c) When he was 19, Lomonosov entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy.
Слайд 16

c) When he was 19, Lomonosov entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy.

What language did Lomonosov study and master in a short period of time in the Slavic Greek Latin Academy? a) Greeek b)Latin c) English
Слайд 17

What language did Lomonosov study and master in a short period of time in the Slavic Greek Latin Academy?

a) Greeek b)Latin c) English

b) He studied Latin and mastered it in a short period of time.
Слайд 18

b) He studied Latin and mastered it in a short period of time.

When was he sent abroad to study? a) 1736 b)1734 c)1738
Слайд 19

When was he sent abroad to study?

a) 1736 b)1734 c)1738

a) He was a brilliant pupil and in 1736 he was sent abroad.
Слайд 20

a) He was a brilliant pupil and in 1736 he was sent abroad.

What German town did Lomonosov study? a) Berlin b) Leipzig c)Marburg
Слайд 21

What German town did Lomonosov study?

a) Berlin b) Leipzig c)Marburg

c) He was sent abroad at the University of Marburg.
Слайд 22

c) He was sent abroad at the University of Marburg.

In the words of A. Pushkin “Lomonosov was our first…?”. a) school b) library c) university
Слайд 23

In the words of A. Pushkin “Lomonosov was our first…?”

a) school b) library c) university

c) In the words of immortal Pushkin « Lomonosov himself was our fist University» .
Слайд 24

c) In the words of immortal Pushkin « Lomonosov himself was our fist University» .

What did M. Lomonosov found? a) university b) hospital c) gymnasium
Слайд 25

What did M. Lomonosov found? a) university b) hospital c) gymnasium

a) Lomonosov founded the Moscow State University. The Principal Medicine Store building on Red Square, which was home to Moscow University from 1755-1787. Moscow State university main building
Слайд 26

a) Lomonosov founded the Moscow State University.

The Principal Medicine Store building on Red Square, which was home to Moscow University from 1755-1787

Moscow State university main building

When was the Moscow State University founded? a)1753 b)1754 c)1755
Слайд 27

When was the Moscow State University founded?

a)1753 b)1754 c)1755

a)Eager to improve Russia’s educational system, in 1755 Lomonosov founded the Moscow State University .
Слайд 28

a)Eager to improve Russia’s educational system, in 1755 Lomonosov founded the Moscow State University .

How did he lay the basis for the scientific study of the Russian language? b) he wrote the first Russian Grammar. a) he wrote the first Russian Dictionary. b) he wrote the first Russian Rhetoric .
Слайд 29

How did he lay the basis for the scientific study of the Russian language?

b) he wrote the first Russian Grammar

a) he wrote the first Russian Dictionary

b) he wrote the first Russian Rhetoric .

c) He laid the basis for the scientific study of the Russian language, he wrote the first Russian Grammar.
Слайд 30

c) He laid the basis for the scientific study of the Russian language, he wrote the first Russian Grammar.

What ancient art did Lomonosov restore? a) painting b) mosaic c) sculpture
Слайд 31

What ancient art did Lomonosov restore?

a) painting b) mosaic c) sculpture

b)Lomonosov was proud to restore the ancient art of mosaics
Слайд 32

b)Lomonosov was proud to restore the ancient art of mosaics

What books did Lomonosov call “the gate of his study?”. a)” Grammar” by Smotritsky and “ Arithmetic” by Magnitsky. b)“Didactic Theories” by Comenius. c) “Theorie of Universals” by Aristotle
Слайд 33

What books did Lomonosov call “the gate of his study?”

a)” Grammar” by Smotritsky and “ Arithmetic” by Magnitsky

b)“Didactic Theories” by Comenius

c) “Theorie of Universals” by Aristotle

a)When he was fourteen, Lomonosov was given copies of Meletius Smotrytsky's Modern Church Slavonic (a grammar book) and Leonty Magnitsky's Arthimetic .
Слайд 34

a)When he was fourteen, Lomonosov was given copies of Meletius Smotrytsky's Modern Church Slavonic (a grammar book) and Leonty Magnitsky's Arthimetic .

Who is the auther of the monument to Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk? a)M. Antokolsky b) I. Martos c) V. Mukhina
Слайд 35

Who is the auther of the monument to Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk?

a)M. Antokolsky b) I. Martos c) V. Mukhina

The auther of the monument to Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk, erected in 1832 is I. Martos
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The auther of the monument to Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk, erected in 1832 is I. Martos

Where is M.Lomonosov buried? a) St Petersburg b) Kiev c) Moscow
Слайд 37

Where is M.Lomonosov buried? a) St Petersburg b) Kiev c) Moscow

He is buried in the cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Monastary in St. Petersburg in 1765.
Слайд 38

He is buried in the cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Monastary in St. Petersburg in 1765.

What theatre in Arkhangelsk was named after M. Lomonosov? a) the Youth theatre b) the Puppet-theatre c) the Drama theatre
Слайд 39

What theatre in Arkhangelsk was named after M. Lomonosov?

a) the Youth theatre b) the Puppet-theatre c) the Drama theatre

c) The Arkhangelsk Drama theatre was named after Lomonosov in 1961.
Слайд 40

c) The Arkhangelsk Drama theatre was named after Lomonosov in 1961.

Where is situated the museum of Lomonosov in the Arkhangelsk region? a) Arkhangelsk b) the village of Lomonosovo c) Kholmogory
Слайд 41

Where is situated the museum of Lomonosov in the Arkhangelsk region?

a) Arkhangelsk b) the village of Lomonosovo c) Kholmogory

b) The museum of Lomonosov is situated in the village of Lomonosovo.
Слайд 42

b) The museum of Lomonosov is situated in the village of Lomonosovo.

http://www.pomorsu.ru/body.php?page=c_pedagogics_lom_ped http://museum.lomic.ru/trip.html http://museum.lomic.ru/science.html http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/1156486 http://www.kunstkamera.ru/exposition/3floor/lomonosov/3_XIV_01/ http://www.gorodokk.ru/viewgorod.php?gorod=moskva&page=2 htt
Слайд 43

http://www.pomorsu.ru/body.php?page=c_pedagogics_lom_ped http://museum.lomic.ru/trip.html http://museum.lomic.ru/science.html http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/1156486 http://www.kunstkamera.ru/exposition/3floor/lomonosov/3_XIV_01/ http://www.gorodokk.ru/viewgorod.php?gorod=moskva&page=2 http://www.kulsi.ru/News?pid=3&id=2318 http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/nevskij/view/144418/ http://media.oprb.ru/taxonomy/term/2268 http://museum.lomic.ru/science.html

Использованные ресурсы:

1. Амосова М.А., Рипинская Л.В., Н.В. Чечерина. Архангельская область.- Архангельск: Изд-во ПГПУ,2008. 2.Амосова М.А., Глущенко Э.Э., Рипинская Л.В.Методические рекомендации по курсу английского языка( региональный компонент).-Архангельск: Изд-во ПГПУ, 1994 3. Культура на Севере: учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарного профиля/Под ред. Дружининой М.В.-Архангельск: Изд-во ПГПУ, 2009.

http://www.pomorsu.ru/body.php?page=c_pedagogics_lom_ped http://www.flip.kz/catalog?prod=115031 http://lomonosov-diplom.narod.ru/mosaica.htm http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Стокгольмская_фондовая_биржа http://www.nedelya.ru/view/62772 http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/kakula/post105192687/ http://vodoka
Слайд 44

http://www.pomorsu.ru/body.php?page=c_pedagogics_lom_ped http://www.flip.kz/catalog?prod=115031 http://lomonosov-diplom.narod.ru/mosaica.htm http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Стокгольмская_фондовая_биржа http://www.nedelya.ru/view/62772 http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/kakula/post105192687/ http://vodokanal.altsoft.spb.ru/showObject.do?object=2805354579&viewMode=D_2804757547 http://www.pomorsu.ru/lom/index.php?do=page&page=l_r_2_1_1 http://rey-7-7-7.narod.ru/museum.html http://islam.tomsk.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=100 http://smartfonsib.ru/kemerovo/ques_ans http://naviobraz.narod.ru/voprosi.htm http://www.ruscenter.ru/468.html http://allforchildren.ru/pictures/school4.php?page=3 http://www.geolinod.ru/exclamation-mark/92-818/ http://kp.md/photo/430059/ christiantoday.com http://history-life.ru/post95169161/ http://photoshopia.ru/forum/clipart/index.php?u=152&page=3

M.V. Lomonosov (викторина) Слайд: 45
Слайд 45
Презентацию составила Соловьева Жанна Викторовна учитель английского, французского языков МОУ ОГ № 25 г. Архангельска
Слайд 46

Презентацию составила Соловьева Жанна Викторовна учитель английского, французского языков МОУ ОГ № 25 г. Архангельска

Good job! You were brilliant!
Слайд 47

Good job! You were brilliant!

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  2. Старайтесь объяснять слайд своими словами, добавлять дополнительные интересные факты, не нужно просто читать информацию со слайдов, ее аудитория может прочитать и сама.
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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:14 сентября 2014
Категория:Английский язык
Автор презентации:Соловьева Ж.В.
Содержит:47 слайд(ов)
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