Слайд 1Princess Diana Принцесса Диана
Скобликовой Марины Валентиновны Учителя английского языка Школы № 455 г.Санкт - Петербург
Слайд 3DIANA
Leave not your weeping as it were But a rose that fades and dies; But show a smile to remember her In the garden where she lies.
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
Слайд 4Princess Diana - Candle in the wind
Was born into the British aristocracy Her motto: God defends the right
Слайд 5Lady Diana Spencer was an English princess and the former wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. She was born in 1961, in Norfolk, England. Lady Diana Spencer grew up in Sandringham, England. Diana went to the West Heath boarding school in Kent for four years, but quit when she was 16. After a term at a Swiss finishing school, she ended her formal education and got a job in London working as a nursery school teacher's aide. In February 1981 , Charles proposed to Diana, and the couple appeared together in public for the first time. They were married on July 29, 1981, at St. Paul's Cathedral, before a congregation of 2,500. In addition, about 750 million people watched the televised ceremony.

Слайд 6The royal couple had two sons, William, born in 1982 and Harry in 1984. On December 9, 1992, a Buckingham Palace spokesperson announced that Charles and Diana were separating and they were later divorced. By the summer of 1997, Diana was having a much-talked about relationship with Emad (Dodi) al-Fayed, the son of the owner of the famous Harrod's department store in London. In the early morning of August 31, 1997, after leaving the Ritz Hotel in Paris, Diana and Fayed had a fatal car accident. Diana was still alive when doctors reached the scene, but she died a few hours later, at the age of 36.
Слайд 7PRINCESS of WALES Father's side Mother's side Frances Work James II Henry III Charles II
Frances Ellen Work (October 27, 1857 - January 26, 1947) was an American heiress and socialite. She was a great-grandmother of Diana. She was a prominent figure in the New York City
Слайд 9FAMILY TREE Husband Sister Mother Granny Father Brother William Harry
Слайд 10Grandmother: Ruth, Lady Fermoy
Diana‘s maternal grandmother, Ruth, Lady Fermoy, was a long-term friend and lady in waiting to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother
Слайд 11Mother: Frances Spencer
Слайд 12Father: Edward John Spenser
Слайд 13Lady Sarah Spencer
Слайд 14Lady Jane Spencer
Слайд 15Brother: Charles Spencer
Слайд 20HOBBIES Reading Dancing Music
Fransisc Assizski Lord Byron Charlotte Bronte Jane Ostene Barbara Cartlend Daniela Steel
Слайд 23In 1985 Prince Charles and Princess Diana visited the USA. During this trip a gala dinner was held for them in Washington, hosted by President Reagan and his wife Nancy.
John Travolta and his dance with Princess Diana
Слайд 24During the gala, First Lady Nancy Reagan took John Travolta aside and informed him that Princess Diana wanted a dance. It took some courage, but Travolta went for it, asking her to dance. Princess Diana looked particularly good in her midnight blue velvet dress and sapphire and diamond chocker. Travolta's words of encouragement to a nervous Princess Di were, 'We're good. I can do this'.
Слайд 27QUIZ
1.What was Princess Diana‘s maiden name ?
Mountbatten Spencer Churchill Habnsburg
Слайд 28Countess Duchess Marchioness Lady
2. What was Princess Diana's royal title before she married Prince Charles ?
Слайд 29Earl Baron Prince Duke
3. Princess Diana‘s father holds what royal title ?
Слайд 30Bulimia Kleptomania Dyslexia Bi-polar disorder
4.In interview, Princess Diana admitted to suffering from what affliction ?
Слайд 31The Queen Mother Barbara Walters Queen Elizabeth II Camilla Parker-Bowles
5.What woman did Princess Diana nickname “ Rottweiler”?
Слайд 32Princess of Wales
6.After Princess Diana divorced Prince Charles, what was her royal title?
Слайд 33Spencer & Marks Harrods K-Mart Macy‘s
7.Princess Diana died with her boyfriend Dody al-Fayed, whose father owned what department store?
Слайд 34Funeral for a Friend Rocket Man Candle in the wind Philadelphia Freedom
8.After her death, Elton John changed the lyrics of what song and dedicated it to Princess Diana?
Слайд 35Archbishop of Canterbury Mother Teresa Rev. Billy Graham Pop John Paul II
9.Princess Diana was buried with rosary beads, a gift from whom?

Слайд 36Candle in the Wind Goodbye, England's rose; may you ever grow in our hearts. You were the grace that placed itself where lives were torn apart. You called out to our country, and you whispered to those in pain. Now you belong to heaven, and the stars spell out your name. And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind: never fading with the sunset when the rain set in. And your footsteps will always fall here, along England's greenest hills; your candle's burned out long before your legend ever will. Loveliness we've lost; these empty days without your smile. This torch we'll always carry for our nation's golden child. And even though we try, the truth brings us to tears; all our words cannot express the joy you brought us through the years. Goodbye England's rose, from a country lost without your soul, who'll miss the wings of your compassion more than you'll ever know. Lyrics revised and sung by Elton John