Конспект урока «LEMON TREE» по английскому языку

Конспект урока на тему «LEMON TREE» 
By Fool's Garden

1. Put the lines in the correct order

a. But nothing ever happens- and I wonder b. I'm sitting here in a boring room it's just another rainy 
c. I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you  d.Sunday afternoon I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do  e. I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you  f. I’m driving around in my car I'm driving too fast 
g. I'm driving too far I'd like to change my point of view 
h. But nothing ever happens- and I wonder

2. Fill in the gaps the missing words

I wonder how I wonder ____ yesterday you told _____
'bout the blue blue sky and all
C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Рабочий стол\174488-62684.jpg that I can ___ is just a yellow lemon-tree 
I'm turning my ____ up and down 
I'm turning turning turning turning turning ___
And all that I can see is just ____ lemon-tree

3. Complete the phrases

Stepping taking want get happen sitting feel

I'm _1___here I miss the power I'd like to go out __2___a shower but there's a heavy cloud inside my head 
I _3___so tired put myself into bed where nothing 
ever happens- and I wonder

Isolation - is not good for me 
Isolation - I don't_4___ to sit on a lemon-tree 
I'm __5__' around in a desert of joy

Baby anyhow I'll _6__another toy and everything will___7__ -and you'll wonder


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Дата добавления:17 января 2017
Категория:Английский язык
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