Презентация "Women's fashion of the middle ages" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Women's fashion of the Middle Ages
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Women's fashion of the Middle Ages

Beauty ideal early 15 th century - a girl with a high forehead. In order to correct the lack of natural, medieval beauties pull out your hair with sideburns. This helped to visually enlarge the forehead and close to the desired standard fashion.
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Beauty ideal early 15 th century - a girl with a high forehead. In order to correct the lack of natural, medieval beauties pull out your hair with sideburns. This helped to visually enlarge the forehead and close to the desired standard fashion.

it's no secret that in the Middle Ages, ladies love to wear fluffy wigs. Because of this, often had nosebleeds. At the time of Queen Elizabeth in medieval England, especially the fashionable had red hair. To ensure that color, women painted their wigs solution, which contained sulfur and flowers of
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it's no secret that in the Middle Ages, ladies love to wear fluffy wigs. Because of this, often had nosebleeds. At the time of Queen Elizabeth in medieval England, especially the fashionable had red hair. To ensure that color, women painted their wigs solution, which contained sulfur and flowers of sunflower. That toxic effects of sulfur and lead to bleeding.

In Japan, Geisha collect bird droppings, mixed with flour and used as powder. It was believed that this way you can achieve exceptional whiteness and young people. The resulting mixture is laid in the ears, used as a mask for the eyes lubricated nostrils and lips.
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In Japan, Geisha collect bird droppings, mixed with flour and used as powder. It was believed that this way you can achieve exceptional whiteness and young people. The resulting mixture is laid in the ears, used as a mask for the eyes lubricated nostrils and lips.

The Middle Ages can be called the most brutal period in the history of fashion. In addition to wigs, women used poisonous and toxic powder. White person who has been a sign of nobility and beauty of high birth, achieved through powder with lead and arsenic.
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The Middle Ages can be called the most brutal period in the history of fashion. In addition to wigs, women used poisonous and toxic powder. White person who has been a sign of nobility and beauty of high birth, achieved through powder with lead and arsenic.

There is a perception that women's hair cut short, accusing them of betraying the legitimate spouse. Proud of married women were long and manicured and always covered when leaving the house hair.
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There is a perception that women's hair cut short, accusing them of betraying the legitimate spouse. Proud of married women were long and manicured and always covered when leaving the house hair.

Used for clothing fabrics of different colors, only white, used very rarely. The thing t hat is white, not stained cloth was considered too cheap, so the ladies preferred bright colors, for which use expensive dyes. By the way, married in white, too, nobody came.
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Used for clothing fabrics of different colors, only white, used very rarely. The thing t hat is white, not stained cloth was considered too cheap, so the ladies preferred bright colors, for which use expensive dyes. By the way, married in white, too, nobody came.

In the 14 th century it became fashionable to hang on my clothes a lot of bells. They are sewn to the skirt, belt, wore a sling from the bells on top of clothes, and attached to a shoe. Can you imagine what the noise was standing on the streets of medieval towns?
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In the 14 th century it became fashionable to hang on my clothes a lot of bells. They are sewn to the skirt, belt, wore a sling from the bells on top of clothes, and attached to a shoe. Can you imagine what the noise was standing on the streets of medieval towns?

Every honest girl in the Middle Ages wore on a minimum of three layers of clothing: vests, breeches, top dress. All three garments reach the toe and had a long sleeve. Often lower and upper dress was made of wool apparels which gave considerable weight.
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Every honest girl in the Middle Ages wore on a minimum of three layers of clothing: vests, breeches, top dress. All three garments reach the toe and had a long sleeve. Often lower and upper dress was made of wool apparels which gave considerable weight.

In the Middle Ages were fashionable songs about love.They sung of beautiful young women in dresses with green sleeves. That is why while girls often wore dresses green.
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In the Middle Ages were fashionable songs about love.They sung of beautiful young women in dresses with green sleeves. That is why while girls often wore dresses green.

Another fashion trend early 15 th century - a pregnancy. In the absence of such, to keep up with fashion, girls often underlay under clothing special leather cushions, a walk and arches her back.
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Another fashion trend early 15 th century - a pregnancy. In the absence of such, to keep up with fashion, girls often underlay under clothing special leather cushions, a walk and arches her back.

Lingerie in the modern sense of the medieval fashion plates were not. His naked body a long white dress shirt.
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Lingerie in the modern sense of the medieval fashion plates were not. His naked body a long white dress shirt.

Ideal of beauty of Romanesque and Gothic periods of the Middle Ages were dark eyebrows, straight nose, small mouth, full lips and a dimple in his chin. In order to meet this ideal, the person carefully makeup, no matter what the church bans.
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Ideal of beauty of Romanesque and Gothic periods of the Middle Ages were dark eyebrows, straight nose, small mouth, full lips and a dimple in his chin. In order to meet this ideal, the person carefully makeup, no matter what the church bans.

Everyone should know the history of their ancestors, and the more fashion =)
Слайд 14

Everyone should know the history of their ancestors, and the more fashion =)

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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:14 сентября 2014
Категория:Английский язык
Автор презентации:ученица Брудновская Дарья
Содержит:14 слайд(ов)
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