Презентация "Fashion (мода)" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Презентацию на тему "Fashion (мода)" можно скачать абсолютно бесплатно на нашем сайте. Предмет проекта: Английский язык. Красочные слайды и иллюстрации помогут вам заинтересовать своих одноклассников или аудиторию. Для просмотра содержимого воспользуйтесь плеером, или если вы хотите скачать доклад - нажмите на соответствующий текст под плеером. Презентация содержит 7 слайд(ов).

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The presentation «Fashion». pupil 8 classes ''B'' of the secondary school number 33
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The presentation «Fashion»

pupil 8 classes ''B'' of the secondary school number 33

A fashion was existing since ancient times. At first it was clothes from animals skin. Then fashion was become developing. Fabric was appeared and peoples began to sew difficult clothes and created new styles.
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A fashion was existing since ancient times. At first it was clothes from animals skin.

Then fashion was become developing. Fabric was appeared and peoples began to sew difficult clothes and created new styles.

In Tudor Times, for example, children wore the same style of clothing as their parents. But in the 18th century children were no longer thought of as small grown-ups, but as people with special needs.
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In Tudor Times, for example, children wore the same style of clothing as their parents.

But in the 18th century children were no longer thought of as small grown-ups, but as people with special needs.

For example high forehead go back to the Renaissance. To be stylish, woman of fashion was shave their hair and eyebrow. But a fashion trends are existing not only in clothes but there are hairstyle trends too.
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For example high forehead go back to the Renaissance. To be stylish, woman of fashion was shave their hair and eyebrow.

But a fashion trends are existing not only in clothes but there are hairstyle trends too.

Some peoples are crazy on fashion and some other people don’t worry about their appearance. I think that every people must care about themselves. Because ancient Russian proverb says «Judge not of men and things at first sight». If you are looking untidily, you can be unnoticed by other peoples. And
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Some peoples are crazy on fashion and some other people don’t worry about their appearance. I think that every people must care about themselves. Because ancient Russian proverb says «Judge not of men and things at first sight». If you are looking untidily, you can be unnoticed by other peoples. And nobody no want have business with you. Because if you treat without respect to yourself, you will treat to work too.

Coco Chanel was a revolutioner in world of fashion. In 20 century was in fashion magnificent dresses, lace, corset and big hat. She created her famous «little black dress» and little hat. Her visit card was one big artificial flower. Usually it was red.
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Coco Chanel was a revolutioner in world of fashion. In 20 century was in fashion magnificent dresses, lace, corset and big hat. She created her famous «little black dress» and little hat. Her visit card was one big artificial flower. Usually it was red.

Her rule was to create beautiful, comfortable and accessible for all women clothes. But at first her new style understood not everybody. She was seen strange and unfashionable for many people. But later she win respect of the most famous people of Paris. Step by step she became famous around the wor
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Her rule was to create beautiful, comfortable and accessible for all women clothes. But at first her new style understood not everybody. She was seen strange and unfashionable for many people. But later she win respect of the most famous people of Paris. Step by step she became famous around the world.

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  1. Постарайтесь вовлечь аудиторию в рассказ, настройте взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью наводящих вопросов, игровой части, не бойтесь пошутить и искренне улыбнуться (где это уместно).
  2. Старайтесь объяснять слайд своими словами, добавлять дополнительные интересные факты, не нужно просто читать информацию со слайдов, ее аудитория может прочитать и сама.
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  5. Важно провести репетицию Вашего доклада, продумать, как Вы поздороваетесь с аудиторией, что скажете первым, как закончите презентацию. Все приходит с опытом.
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  7. Старайтесь говорить уверенно, плавно и связно.
  8. Старайтесь получить удовольствие от выступления, тогда Вы сможете быть более непринужденным и будете меньше волноваться.

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Дата добавления:15 января 2015
Категория:Английский язык
Содержит:7 слайд(ов)
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