- Праздники и традиции британии

Презентация "Праздники и традиции британии" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Презентацию на тему "Праздники и традиции британии" можно скачать абсолютно бесплатно на нашем сайте. Предмет проекта: Английский язык. Красочные слайды и иллюстрации помогут вам заинтересовать своих одноклассников или аудиторию. Для просмотра содержимого воспользуйтесь плеером, или если вы хотите скачать доклад - нажмите на соответствующий текст под плеером. Презентация содержит 15 слайд(ов).

Слайды презентации

Презентацию выполнила Соловьёва Л.В -учитель иностранного языка МКОУ Лесная СОШ c.Лесное Лесного района Тверской области
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Презентацию выполнила Соловьёва Л.В -учитель иностранного языка МКОУ Лесная СОШ c.Лесное Лесного района Тверской области

The plan of the lesson: 1. Phonetics. 2.Word Power. 3. British celebrations. 4. Different activities at the celebrations. 5. New Year Resolutions. 6. Marks. Homework.
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The plan of the lesson: 1. Phonetics. 2.Word Power. 3. British celebrations. 4. Different activities at the celebrations. 5. New Year Resolutions. 6. Marks. Homework.

Phonetics: widely the First Foot New year party to celebrate ancient old-fashioned to observe religious relative fancy costumes good luck. common occasion custom habit celebration gift to be connected with to be associated with firecracker bad luck completely Christmas traditionally to attend religi
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Phonetics: widely the First Foot New year party to celebrate ancient old-fashioned to observe religious relative fancy costumes good luck

common occasion custom habit celebration gift to be connected with to be associated with firecracker bad luck completely Christmas traditionally to attend religion

What things come to your mind when you think of traditions and celebrations? Traditions Celebrations. wedding, cards, anniversary, tricks, birthday, firework, champagne, cake, parade, picnic, dancing, flowers. Things we give and receive Special occasions Special food and drinks Activities
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What things come to your mind when you think of traditions and celebrations?

Traditions Celebrations

wedding, cards, anniversary, tricks, birthday, firework, champagne, cake, parade, picnic, dancing, flowers

Things we give and receive Special occasions Special food and drinks Activities

British celebrations St Valentine’s Day Christmas Easter Halloween New Year Guy Fawkes Night
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British celebrations St Valentine’s Day Christmas Easter Halloween New Year Guy Fawkes Night

New Year New Year’s Eve all British celebrate on the 31st of December. Most people see with friends and relatives. At midnight they sings New Year songs and wishes a happy New Year.
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New Year New Year’s Eve all British celebrate on the 31st of December. Most people see with friends and relatives. At midnight they sings New Year songs and wishes a happy New Year.

Christmas On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send X-mas cards to their friends and relatives. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents on
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Christmas On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send X-mas cards to their friends and relatives. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents on their bed.

St. Valentine’s day On the 14th of February there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sing them – you must guess who sent cards to you.
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St. Valentine’s day On the 14th of February there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sing them – you must guess who sent cards to you.

Easter In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits.
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Easter In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits.

Halloween On the 31st of October there is Halowe’en. The symbol of this holiday is "Jack o'lantern". People make it from a pumpkin.   Children like Haloween parties, they put on witch’s and  ghost’s dresses. They go “trick or treat”.
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Halloween On the 31st of October there is Halowe’en. The symbol of this holiday is "Jack o'lantern". People make it from a pumpkin.   Children like Haloween parties, they put on witch’s and  ghost’s dresses. They go “trick or treat”.

At different celebrations people are involved (вовлечены) in different activities. Ex.4, p. 85. People set off firecrackers. People give gifts to their relatives and friends. People cook dinner for the whole family. People dye (красят) eggs and present their relatives and friends with them. People m
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At different celebrations people are involved (вовлечены) in different activities. Ex.4, p. 85.

People set off firecrackers. People give gifts to their relatives and friends. People cook dinner for the whole family. People dye (красят) eggs and present their relatives and friends with them. People make fancy costumes and put them on. People take part in parades. People go to the church and stay for a service. People write and send beautiful postcards. People decorate fir-trees.

Making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition connected with the New Year. At the New Year people often decide what they are going to do and what they are not going to do. a) Who has made these resolutions? Florence Bill Joe Jane Rod. not to watch TV so often listen to his favourite pop music more of
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Making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition connected with the New Year. At the New Year people often decide what they are going to do and what they are not going to do. a) Who has made these resolutions?

Florence Bill Joe Jane Rod

not to watch TV so often listen to his favourite pop music more often go jogging (бегать) every morning not going to make any resolutions

save more pocket money stop eating so many sweets it’s a secret

Match the holidays and there descriptions. 1.New Year’s Eve is a night when 2. April 1st is a day when 3. February 23rd is a holiday when 4. Victory Day is a holiday when 5. September 1st is a day when 6. Easter is a religious holiday when 7. Christmas is a religious holiday when 8. March 8th is a d
Слайд 14

Match the holidays and there descriptions

1.New Year’s Eve is a night when 2. April 1st is a day when 3. February 23rd is a holiday when 4. Victory Day is a holiday when 5. September 1st is a day when 6. Easter is a religious holiday when 7. Christmas is a religious holiday when 8. March 8th is a day when

a) people honour women by giving them flowers and presents. b) pupils and student start the new academic year. c) people have parties, light candles and give each other gifts. d) many people have gatherings eating dyed eggs, paskha and kulich. e) people have parades and ceremones to honour those who died in the Great Patirotic war. f) people honour members of the armed forces. g) people have parties and stay up until midnight to see the new year in. h) people play tricks on friends.

Homework: Ex. 1(3), p. 82-83, translate. words to learn.
Слайд 15

Homework: Ex. 1(3), p. 82-83, translate. words to learn.

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Советы как сделать хороший доклад презентации или проекта

  1. Постарайтесь вовлечь аудиторию в рассказ, настройте взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью наводящих вопросов, игровой части, не бойтесь пошутить и искренне улыбнуться (где это уместно).
  2. Старайтесь объяснять слайд своими словами, добавлять дополнительные интересные факты, не нужно просто читать информацию со слайдов, ее аудитория может прочитать и сама.
  3. Не нужно перегружать слайды Вашего проекта текстовыми блоками, больше иллюстраций и минимум текста позволят лучше донести информацию и привлечь внимание. На слайде должна быть только ключевая информация, остальное лучше рассказать слушателям устно.
  4. Текст должен быть хорошо читаемым, иначе аудитория не сможет увидеть подаваемую информацию, будет сильно отвлекаться от рассказа, пытаясь хоть что-то разобрать, или вовсе утратит весь интерес. Для этого нужно правильно подобрать шрифт, учитывая, где и как будет происходить трансляция презентации, а также правильно подобрать сочетание фона и текста.
  5. Важно провести репетицию Вашего доклада, продумать, как Вы поздороваетесь с аудиторией, что скажете первым, как закончите презентацию. Все приходит с опытом.
  6. Правильно подберите наряд, т.к. одежда докладчика также играет большую роль в восприятии его выступления.
  7. Старайтесь говорить уверенно, плавно и связно.
  8. Старайтесь получить удовольствие от выступления, тогда Вы сможете быть более непринужденным и будете меньше волноваться.

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Дата добавления:13 декабря 2012
Категория:Английский язык
Содержит:15 слайд(ов)
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