- Английская традиция чаепития

Презентация "Английская традиция чаепития" – проект, доклад

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Слайды презентации

History of traditional English tea break).
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History of traditional English tea break).

Each country has its own customs and traditions. English is especially true to their traditions. One of the most famous traditions in England - is an English tea party.
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Each country has its own customs and traditions. English is especially true to their traditions. One of the most famous traditions in England - is an English tea party.

Ancient tradition requires pouring milk into the cup first, and then tea. And, despite the fact that the production of tea companies advised "not to add milk", the British strictly follow this tradition.
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Ancient tradition requires pouring milk into the cup first, and then tea. And, despite the fact that the production of tea companies advised "not to add milk", the British strictly follow this tradition.

Как появился чай? Legend has it that tea has appeared thanks to the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong, 4700 years ago. One day a few tea leaves fell into the water, creating a fragrant aroma. After tasting the drink, the emperor was struck by the taste of this drink is that commanded to plant tea bushes in
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Как появился чай?

Legend has it that tea has appeared thanks to the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong, 4700 years ago. One day a few tea leaves fell into the water, creating a fragrant aroma. After tasting the drink, the emperor was struck by the taste of this drink is that commanded to plant tea bushes in his garden.

Появление чая в Англии. Tea was brought to England in the XVII century, Princess of Portugal, wife of King Charles II. Since tea has become popular in the country.
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Появление чая в Англии.

Tea was brought to England in the XVII century, Princess of Portugal, wife of King Charles II. Since tea has become popular in the country.

When the first clippers began to deliver tea to England from China and India, it was very expensive. The reason for high prices - it is related to tea, tea at the time was considered "sinful drink." Because of this, the tax on tea was 119%.
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When the first clippers began to deliver tea to England from China and India, it was very expensive. The reason for high prices - it is related to tea, tea at the time was considered "sinful drink." Because of this, the tax on tea was 119%.

That's why tea has become a drink for the rich elite, the aristocracy, and was kept in the homes of special enamel vessels.
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That's why tea has become a drink for the rich elite, the aristocracy, and was kept in the homes of special enamel vessels.

But from the XVIII century tea became available to the common people and, thanks to the flourishing smuggling tea in Cornwall. Tea was lighter and easier to carry, as the tea bags were easy to hide under clothing, that is, it was profitable for smugglers.
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But from the XVIII century tea became available to the common people and, thanks to the flourishing smuggling tea in Cornwall. Tea was lighter and easier to carry, as the tea bags were easy to hide under clothing, that is, it was profitable for smugglers.

Furthermore, tea and used for medical purposes. People believed that tea helped the headache. Many historians claim that during the industrial revolution, the workers remain healthy thanks to tea.
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Furthermore, tea and used for medical purposes. People believed that tea helped the headache. Many historians claim that during the industrial revolution, the workers remain healthy thanks to tea.

For the English tea ceremony there were some traditions: Tea brewed and bottled hostess Tea brewed in a tea room. Tea has always been a strong and freshly.
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For the English tea ceremony there were some traditions: Tea brewed and bottled hostess Tea brewed in a tea room. Tea has always been a strong and freshly.

In addition, the English drink tea in special tea rooms where special attention has been paid in a certain way served the tea table, furniture.
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In addition, the English drink tea in special tea rooms where special attention has been paid in a certain way served the tea table, furniture.

. Today there are several types of English tea: Afternoon tea, Cream tea, High tea and «five o'clock tea». Afternoon tea (afternoon tea). Snacks for the tea party are sandwiches with cucumber or salmon cakes and scones with cream.
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. Today there are several types of English tea: Afternoon tea, Cream tea, High tea and «five o'clock tea». Afternoon tea (afternoon tea). Snacks for the tea party are sandwiches with cucumber or salmon cakes and scones with cream.

Cream tea – this type of tea is very similar to afternoon tea. Snacks are scones with butter and strawberry jam.
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Cream tea – this type of tea is very similar to afternoon tea. Snacks are scones with butter and strawberry jam.

High tea (afternoon tea). Reminiscent of an ordinary dinner: fish, meat, sausages, stews, vegetables with baked potatoes and for dessert chocolate cake or fruit cakes.
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High tea (afternoon tea). Reminiscent of an ordinary dinner: fish, meat, sausages, stews, vegetables with baked potatoes and for dessert chocolate cake or fruit cakes.

«Five o'clock tea». This is not only a perfect combination of tablecloths, napkins, flowers, vases and tea set, this special behavior at the table, and the topic of conversation.
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«Five o'clock tea». This is not only a perfect combination of tablecloths, napkins, flowers, vases and tea set, this special behavior at the table, and the topic of conversation.

Tea in England is considered useful and refreshing drink. That is why many traditional tea England, where the British drink tea according to their state of health. For example, «English Breakfast» - a strong invigorating tea, «Prince of Wales» or «Earl Grey» relax. Green tea is very refreshing, they
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Tea in England is considered useful and refreshing drink. That is why many traditional tea England, where the British drink tea according to their state of health. For example, «English Breakfast» - a strong invigorating tea, «Prince of Wales» or «Earl Grey» relax. Green tea is very refreshing, they are light and good after eating.

Tea is usually served with lemon or milk. Before drinking tea just like that, without additives, but with an increase in employment of people in the tea began to add milk to cool it and not wait until it cools down.
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Tea is usually served with lemon or milk. Before drinking tea just like that, without additives, but with an increase in employment of people in the tea began to add milk to cool it and not wait until it cools down.

Another explanation is the fear of the English for what beautiful porcelain cup may be damaged by hot tea. It preserved the tradition of adding milk to tea.
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Another explanation is the fear of the English for what beautiful porcelain cup may be damaged by hot tea. It preserved the tradition of adding milk to tea.

Now England struggling to revive old traditions. Tea museums carefully preserve all that is connected with the tea, and are popular.
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Now England struggling to revive old traditions. Tea museums carefully preserve all that is connected with the tea, and are popular.

For a long time «Cutty Sark», the last tea clipper, Greenwich stood in the dock and took thousands of visitors who were interested in the history of tea. Unfortunately, it burned down in 2007. The ship was 138 years old. But after the restoration of the museum was re-opened on 25 April 2012.
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For a long time «Cutty Sark», the last tea clipper, Greenwich stood in the dock and took thousands of visitors who were interested in the history of tea. Unfortunately, it burned down in 2007. The ship was 138 years old. But after the restoration of the museum was re-opened on 25 April 2012.

The essence of tea in England has not changed. They drink tea with milk, usually from china cups. It is important to the atmosphere than the quality of the food or tea. Finally, you can not drink tea in a hurry, the tea party should take place in an atmosphere of friendly conversation.
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The essence of tea in England has not changed. They drink tea with milk, usually from china cups. It is important to the atmosphere than the quality of the food or tea. Finally, you can not drink tea in a hurry, the tea party should take place in an atmosphere of friendly conversation.

Спасибо за внимание!)
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Спасибо за внимание!)

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Дата добавления:12 сентября 2018
Содержит:22 слайд(ов)
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