Презентация "Linkin Park(Англ)" – проект, доклад

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Linkin Park
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Linkin Park

Linkin Park — American alternative rock band. Founded in 1996 year under the name Xero. Having been around since 2000 under the name Linkin Park, the group has twice received the award "Grammy". The group found success with their debut album in 2000 called Hybrid Theory, sold in 27 million
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Linkin Park — American alternative rock band. Founded in 1996 year under the name Xero. Having been around since 2000 under the name Linkin Park, the group has twice received the award "Grammy". The group found success with their debut album in 2000 called Hybrid Theory, sold in 27 million copies (in 2010 he gained "diamond" status, awarded RIAA). Next Studio album, Meteora, repeated, though not surpassed the success of the previous, leading in 2003 on the Billboard 200. In total, the album sold a total circulation of approximately 73 million copies.

History. Formation. The group was founded in 1996 by two classmates Mike Shinodas and brad Deltona (which are now in the group). It was originally called SuperXero. They later changed their name to Xero. In its composition were Mike, brad, Joe, Dave, Rob and mark. Despite limited resources, the guys
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History. Formation

The group was founded in 1996 by two classmates Mike Shinodas and brad Deltona (which are now in the group). It was originally called SuperXero. They later changed their name to Xero. In its composition were Mike, brad, Joe, Dave, Rob and mark. Despite limited resources, the guys started recording a few songs in Shinoda's bedroom, which became the first Studio of the group. After many rejections from record labels contract with the group, tension and resentment in her grew. Realizing that this group will not be the future, mark left the band in search of other projects. Dave Farrell also had to leave them, as his other project tour. Xero has spent considerable time in the search for a replacement vocal Mark, while the boys didn't know one singer living in Arizona Chester Bennington. Through a friend, Jeff blue, the Vice President of Zomba Music, the musicians called the Bennington and asked to send them my vocals on a demo tape. Bennington, breaking away from the celebration of his birthday, he recorded a demo tape and gave it to listen to the guys on the phone. His unique voice has made the band a huge impression. The next day, Chester flew to Los Angeles. After Chester agreed to join the group, it was called Hybrid Theory. The idea of mixing styles of vocals gave the impetus for the creation of new material that helped revive the group. Came a time of change. U guys have any problems with the British electronic group, which was the name of the Hybrid and accused them of plagiarism, so Chester Bennington came up with a new name for the group — Lincoln Park, because he constantly went to the Studio through the Park in Santa Monica. But the domain lincolnpark.com 've been busy. In English the name is pronounced as Linkin Lincoln, and a group called Linkin Park, receiving domain linkinpark.com.

A few facts about the Group. The group Linkin Park always accused of stealing songs. Some believe that they copy their songs. This is not so. Just their songs very similar structure. A very interesting fact. The band Linkin Park loves the son, Dmitry Medvedev, Ilya. Even Medvedev admitted that, some
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A few facts about the Group

The group Linkin Park always accused of stealing songs. Some believe that they copy their songs. This is not so. Just their songs very similar structure. A very interesting fact. The band Linkin Park loves the son, Dmitry Medvedev, Ilya. Even Medvedev admitted that, sometimes, listening to this group. Also, the songs of the band Linkin Park use in games. For example, in the game for iPhone "8-Bit Rebellion!" Bennington broke his wrist during a concert (he sang the song "Papercut"), when unsuccessfully jumped from the stage. The remainder of the concert he played with pain in his broken wrist.. The biggest hit of the band Linkin Park is still on the album Hybrid Theory, "In the End" the Execution of which began at the beginning of the show prezentacii. Mike Shinoda is a distant relative of Tchaikovsky. Brad Delson likes to call his guitar Ibanez. On the question of why brad wears headphones during a concert, he always answers: "If I say, I'd have to kill you". Four members of the group studied at the same school as the members of the group "Vent".

Awards group. Global Leadership Awards For cooperation with the United Nations (2011) One of the founders of Linkin Park — Mike Shinoda "Grammy" (2 times) "Crawling" (2002) "Numb/Encore" (2006) MTV Europe Music Awards Best rock artist (2011, 2012, 2014) Best live perfor
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Awards group

Global Leadership Awards For cooperation with the United Nations (2011) One of the founders of Linkin Park — Mike Shinoda "Grammy" (2 times) "Crawling" (2002) "Numb/Encore" (2006) MTV Europe Music Awards Best rock artist (2011, 2012, 2014) Best live performance (2010) Concert group of the year (2009) Group of the year (2002,2007) Rock band of the year (2004) Hard rock performer of the year (2002) American Music Awards Best group (2012)

The History Of The Name. Chester Bennington came up with a new name for the group — Lincoln Park, because he always went into the Studio through this Park in Los Angeles. But due to the fact that such a domain on the Internet was busy and his buyout was very expensive, the group called Linkin Park.
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The History Of The Name

Chester Bennington came up with a new name for the group — Lincoln Park, because he always went into the Studio through this Park in Los Angeles. But due to the fact that such a domain on the Internet was busy and his buyout was very expensive, the group called Linkin Park.

One of the founders of Linkin Park — Mike Shinoda
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One of the founders of Linkin Park — Mike Shinoda

Thank you for your attention!
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Thank you for your attention!

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