Презентация "шотландия" – проект, доклад

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И все о ней. And all about it. Сделали Кирилл и Влад. Шотландия. Scotland.
Слайд 1

И все о ней. And all about it. Сделали Кирилл и Влад.

Шотландия. Scotland.

Scotland-Zastavna part Soedinennoi Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland. Scotland is divided into 12 regions, including 53 district and 3 island territory Western-Isles,Orkney,Shetland . Шотландия-состовная часть Соединединного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Шотландия подра
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Scotland-Zastavna part Soedinennoi Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland. Scotland is divided into 12 regions, including 53 district and 3 island territory Western-Isles,Orkney,Shetland . Шотландия-состовная часть Соединединного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Шотландия подразделяется на 12 областей, включая 53 округа и 3 островные теретории Устерн-Айлс,Оркни,Шетланд .

Столица Шотландии. Эдинбург — столица Шотландии, начиная с 1437 г. В течение многих столетий в Эдинбурге располагалась резиденция шотландских королей. The Capital Of Scotland. Edinburgh the capital of Scotland since had. For many centuries in Edinburgh was the residence of Scottish kings.
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Столица Шотландии. Эдинбург — столица Шотландии, начиная с 1437 г. В течение многих столетий в Эдинбурге располагалась резиденция шотландских королей.

The Capital Of Scotland. Edinburgh the capital of Scotland since had. For many centuries in Edinburgh was the residence of Scottish kings.

Флак Шотландия История шотландского флага связана с покровителем Шотландии – Святым Андреем, который был одним из апостолов Иисуса Христа и братом апостола Петра. Св. Андрей проповедовал христианство, за что и был распят римлянами. Но он посчитал себя недостойным быть распятым как Иисус, поэтому его
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Флак Шотландия История шотландского флага связана с покровителем Шотландии – Святым Андреем, который был одним из апостолов Иисуса Христа и братом апостола Петра. Св. Андрей проповедовал христианство, за что и был распят римлянами. Но он посчитал себя недостойным быть распятым как Иисус, поэтому его распяли на двух пересекающихся столбах. Отсюда и пошло название Андреевский крест.

History of Scotland - a series of invasions and conquests neighbors. In the seventh century came the first wave of the Rhine Celts,superseded the ancient inhabitants of Scotland (Picts) to the North. The end of The V - start VI in Scotland from Ireland began to move tribes Scott( on behalf of named Scotland : Scotland is a country of Scott). This name was established for Scotland from the eleventh century. Here were the Romans,and in HAB have conquered the Romans, the Britons there is a new enemy - the angles and Saxons(Germanic tribes of the coast).The last wave of invaders came from Scandinavia were the Normans. Thus were formed the British ethnicity. Since then, on the territory of the British Isles there are 4 different people, the Scots,the Welsh people,the British and the Irish. two intersecting poles. Hence the name St. Andrew's cross.

The Flag Of Scotland History of the Scottish flag associated with the patron Saint of Scotland,St. Andrew, who was one of the apostles of Jesus Christ and brother of the Apostle Peter.Holy Andrew preached Christianity,for which he was crucified by the Romans.But he considered himself unworthy to be
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The Flag Of Scotland History of the Scottish flag associated with the patron Saint of Scotland,St. Andrew, who was one of the apostles of Jesus Christ and brother of the Apostle Peter.Holy Andrew preached Christianity,for which he was crucified by the Romans.But he considered himself unworthy to be crucified like Jesus,so he was crucified on two intersecting poles. Hence the name St. Andrew's cross.

The modern population of Scotland is about 10 million people. The official language is English,they also speak an ancient dialect of Gaelic. In the "Lowlands" (southern Scotland) is home to the majority of the population,and only 250 thousand people have on its North-Western half,called he
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The modern population of Scotland is about 10 million people. The official language is English,they also speak an ancient dialect of Gaelic. In the "Lowlands" (southern Scotland) is home to the majority of the population,and only 250 thousand people have on its North-Western half,called here "the Hills". Between Uplands and Lowlands has always existed and still exists in stark contrast,not only geographical.

In Scotland, clan affiliation is determined by the suit,especially male kilt. Kilt - Scottish skirt,which is made of tartan,special woolen,cotton and even silk fabric with a pattern in a large square. Each clan has a specific color and symbolism of tartan,which are applied on kilts and plaids.Wear t
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In Scotland, clan affiliation is determined by the suit,especially male kilt. Kilt - Scottish skirt,which is made of tartan,special woolen,cotton and even silk fabric with a pattern in a large square. Each clan has a specific color and symbolism of tartan,which are applied on kilts and plaids.Wear the wrong color is unacceptable-it is a social disorder. *Tweed jacket. *Long stockings. *Takes,which are shifted to one side. *Leather sporran - purse hanging on a narrow strap that covers the thighs. *The knife is also part of the costume. Istiny Highlander has it for her right stocking.

Long ago, the social organization of Scottish society, especially in the Uplands, was determined by the clan system. Clan(clan) is a group of families bearing the same surname (Mac-Donald-sons, Donald."Mac-son) and have common ancestors. The system of clans popular and still, but preserved it m
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Long ago, the social organization of Scottish society, especially in the Uplands, was determined by the clan system. Clan(clan) is a group of families bearing the same surname (Mac-Donald-sons, Donald."Mac-son) and have common ancestors. The system of clans popular and still, but preserved it more as a national tradition of Scots.

For many centuries the Scots were measured his strength at a sporting event,called Mountain Assembly(games). First they took place at 1057 year. During Mountain games representatives of numerous Scottish clans in national clothes compete in strength,agility,the ability to dance and play the bagpipes
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For many centuries the Scots were measured his strength at a sporting event,called Mountain Assembly(games). First they took place at 1057 year. During Mountain games representatives of numerous Scottish clans in national clothes compete in strength,agility,the ability to dance and play the bagpipes. In the competition can participate anyone.

Pushing stone The total weight of the stone is from 8 to 11 kilograms for males and from 4 to 6 pounds for women. Weight in the form of metal weights should podbrasyvanija only one hand. Total weight is: 28 kilograms for men and 14 pounds for women.
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Pushing stone The total weight of the stone is from 8 to 11 kilograms for males and from 4 to 6 pounds for women. Weight in the form of metal weights should podbrasyvanija only one hand. Total weight is: 28 kilograms for men and 14 pounds for women.

Hammer throw The head of the hammer - spherical shape of the metal, and the handle of wood,bamboo or plastic. The total weight of hammer :from 8 to 10 pounds for men and from 6 to 8 pounds for women. Wooden pole 4-5 meters long and weighing 30-70 pounds should roll up to roll over.
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Hammer throw The head of the hammer - spherical shape of the metal, and the handle of wood,bamboo or plastic. The total weight of hammer :from 8 to 10 pounds for men and from 6 to 8 pounds for women. Wooden pole 4-5 meters long and weighing 30-70 pounds should roll up to roll over.

In the middle ages people independent Scotland led a stubborn struggle for sovereignty,but in g. the dynasty of the Stuarts of prisoedinil Scotland to the U.K. through the personal Union, abolishing existing with Хlll century Parliament. James l Stewart English king with 1603, the Scottish king(unde
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In the middle ages people independent Scotland led a stubborn struggle for sovereignty,but in g. the dynasty of the Stuarts of prisoedinil Scotland to the U.K. through the personal Union, abolishing existing with Хlll century Parliament. James l Stewart English king with 1603, the Scottish king(under the name of James VI from 1567. From the house of the Stewards ,the son of Mary Stuart. Charles I Stuart English king with 1625..Second son of a Scottish king James VI Stuart and Anne of Denmark.

The new national flag of England and Scotland became "Union Jack "uniting the flag of St. George and the Scottish flag of St. George. The act of Union g. drew a line under almost 9 centuries of history of Scotland as an independent state.However,it was not conquered. Was buried own Church
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The new national flag of England and Scotland became "Union Jack "uniting the flag of St. George and the Scottish flag of St. George. The act of Union g. drew a line under almost 9 centuries of history of Scotland as an independent state.However,it was not conquered. Was buried own Church (Presbyterian), its laws and the judicial system.

In the Treasury of universal values, the Scots have made their significant contribution .Here is a short list of names of the most famous predstavila Scottish people: Adam Smith. Scottish economist and florist, a prominent representative of the classical bourgeois polytrichaceae savings. William Kel
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In the Treasury of universal values, the Scots have made their significant contribution .Here is a short list of names of the most famous predstavila Scottish people: Adam Smith. Scottish economist and florist, a prominent representative of the classical bourgeois polytrichaceae savings. William Kelvin, physicist. Developed the science of thermodynamics,formulated the second law of thermodynamics and implemented scale (Kelvin) absolutno temperatures,have invented a mirror galvanometer,the receiver telegrams and supervised the laying of a Telegraph cable across the Atlantic ocean.

Sir Walter Scott -English writer. Burns Robert - the Scottish poet. World famous became the representative of late romanticism, the Creator of adventure and historical novels of Robert Louis Stevenson.
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Sir Walter Scott -English writer. Burns Robert - the Scottish poet. World famous became the representative of late romanticism, the Creator of adventure and historical novels of Robert Louis Stevenson.

Andrew Carnegie Famous as one of the most successful entrepreneurs of America, the last path from simple benika-immigrant to the industrial magnate and philanthropist. Alexander Graham Bell Scientist and inventor who have devoted their lives to the education of deaf people.In 1876 he received patent
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Andrew Carnegie Famous as one of the most successful entrepreneurs of America, the last path from simple benika-immigrant to the industrial magnate and philanthropist. Alexander Graham Bell Scientist and inventor who have devoted their lives to the education of deaf people.In 1876 he received patent on my first phone.

Robert Browne Scottish botanist. Opened Brownian motion. James Simpson First used chloroform in medicine
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Robert Browne Scottish botanist. Opened Brownian motion. James Simpson First used chloroform in medicine

James Clerk Maxwell British physicist, Creator of the classic Elektrodinamika, one of the founders of static physics. Bruce Mac Laren Racer, engineer avtomobilestroitel and founder of all known commands.
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James Clerk Maxwell British physicist, Creator of the classic Elektrodinamika, one of the founders of static physics. Bruce Mac Laren Racer, engineer avtomobilestroitel and founder of all known commands.

Сейчас вы услышите волынку!
Слайд 19

Сейчас вы услышите волынку!

Посибо за внимания
Слайд 20

Посибо за внимания

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  1. Постарайтесь вовлечь аудиторию в рассказ, настройте взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью наводящих вопросов, игровой части, не бойтесь пошутить и искренне улыбнуться (где это уместно).
  2. Старайтесь объяснять слайд своими словами, добавлять дополнительные интересные факты, не нужно просто читать информацию со слайдов, ее аудитория может прочитать и сама.
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  5. Важно провести репетицию Вашего доклада, продумать, как Вы поздороваетесь с аудиторией, что скажете первым, как закончите презентацию. Все приходит с опытом.
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  8. Старайтесь получить удовольствие от выступления, тогда Вы сможете быть более непринужденным и будете меньше волноваться.

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