Слайд 2Введение.
Испания… Ах, это та страна, которая заставляет мое сердце замирать! Ис-па-ни-я!.. В самом слове чувствуется что-то особенное, мелодичное, немного сумасшедшее. Многие ценители прекрасного влюблены в эту страну за ее восхитительное искусство. Но также в этой стране имеется и свой минус – коррида. Итак, я расскажу об этой стране то, что я знаю. Думаю, что эта страна станет для вас интересной. План: Основы географии Испании; Достопримечательности: 1) Столица – Мадрид; 2) Сеговия – сердце Испании; 3)Толедо – жемчужина Испании; 4) Альгамбра – блеск Испанской гранады; 5) Театр-музей Сальвадора Дали. Традиции; Заключение. Примечание: работа будет представлена как на русском языке, так и на английском. Работа второго варианта последует после первой.

Слайд 5Продолжение.
Не менее знаменитые достопримечательности Мадрида ожидают туристов в пригороде столицы, где у подножия гор Сьерра-де-Гвадарама возвышается здание, которое своим размахом и эстетической ценностью превосходит все дворцы столицы. Эскориал – это великолепный монастырь из серого гранита, основанный Филиппом II в честь победы над французами под Сен-Квентином 10 августа 1557 года. Покровитель дворца – Святой Лаврентий, и симметричное расположение 16 внутренних двориков Эскориала символизирует решетку, на которой святой был сожжен. Астрономические суммы, ушедшие на строительство дворца, опустошили казну Испании. Расход сил и эксплуатация людей значительно превысили все расчеты управляющих строительством. Гранитные блоки, составляющие фундамент здания, перемещали на повозках, запряженных 40 парами волов! В результате Эскориал насчитывает 9 башен, 13 часовен и молитвенных залов, 88 галерей, 86 фонтанов, 2600 окон и 16 ранее упомянутых внутренних двориков. С 1567 года руководил строительством монастыря архитектор Хуан де Эррера. Для его архитектурного стиля характерны простота и минимализм. Две башни базилики должны были своим стилем напомнить о Соборе Святого Петра в Риме. В церкви Эскориала, который уже давно стал самой узнаваемой достопримечательностью Мадрида, был сооружен великолепный пантеон, в котором находятся гробницы испанских монархов и членов их семей. Пуэрта-дель-Соль – самая известная площадь в столице. Именно отсюда удобнее всего начинать осмотр достопримечательностей Мадрида. Она находится в самом центре города и, возможно, по этой причине является излюбленным местом встречи для жителей столицы. В Средневековье здесь была окраина Мадрида, и чтобы попасть в город, нужно было пройти через ворота. Они были разрушены в 1570 году, но именно от этих Солнечных ворот площадь и получила свое название. Полукруглую форму площади придают, с одной стороны – старинное здание почты с характерным фасадом, украшенным часами, а с другой – целый ряд современных магазинов и кофеен. Полвека назад на площади было установлено скульптурное изображение герба Мадрида – медведь и земляничное дерево. Из множества ковровых фабрик Мадрида до наших дней сохранилась только одна. Если вы хотите увидеть менее растиражированные достопримечательности Мадрида, вам непременно нужно отправиться на основанную в 1721 году Королевскую шпалерную мануфактуру. Ее можно осмотреть, пройдя через парк Ретиро. Помимо узоров на королевских коврах, здесь можно изучить технику ручного производства. Интересно, что она почти совсем не меняется на протяжении десятилетий, и поэтому здесь все еще продолжают заказывать ковры. Произведения королевских ткачей висят в музее Прадо, отеле “Ритц” и даже в Эскориале.


Слайд 11Продолжение и Замок для Галы.
Постепенно все лестницы музея приводят вас в Центральный зал, где можно немного перевести дух и упорядочить разыгравшееся воображение. Ведь в этом странном месте нет ни одного предмета или экспоната, который не вызывал бы целую бурю самых противоречивых эмоций: даже писсуар Дали – это настоящее произведение искусства. Пройдя к выходу через внутренний дворик музея Сальвадора Дали, где в каждом окне золотится скульптура музы художника, радостно приветствующая каждого посетителя, вы выйдете к историческому центру Фигейраса, который превращен в большую зону торговли. Здесь вы найдете массу магазинчиков и открытых рынков. В сувенирных лавках все – от брелоков и футболок до изысканных ваз и дорогих книг – посвящено Дали. Замок для Галы В окрестностях Фигейраса, в получасе езды к побережью Коста-Брава, находится рыбацкая деревенька Кадакес – летняя резиденция художника. На здешнем пляже в августе 1929 года Сальвадор встретил свою Галу – красавицу Галину Дьяконову, приехавшую в Испанию вместе с мужем, французским поэтом Полем Элюаром. Встреча была судьбоносной и стала началом одной из самых красивых любовных историй XX века, которая длилась больше пятидесяти лет. Закончилась она здесь же. Гала скончалась в Фигейрасе утром 10 июня 1982 года. По ее завещанию, тело перевезли в другой испанский городок, Пуболь – в 1969 году великий сюрреалист купил там для любимой жены средневековый замок. После похорон, пребывая в глубокой депрессии, Дали так и остался в Пуболе. Спал в кровати Галы, отказывался от встреч с кем бы то ни было, голодал – и в результате… чуть не сгорел: в комнате, где он спал, случился пожар. Престарелый художник получил множество ожогов, а, выйдя из больницы, покинул замок и поселился в башне Галатее в Фигейрасе, где и провел свои последние дни. В Пуболе же после его смерти открыли дом-музей. Здесь все осталось, как было при Дали: и сюрреалистический потолок, и странный трон, и камин в барочном стиле, и фонтаны в виде слонов на жирафьих лапах, и бассейн со скульптурными изображениями Рихарда Вагнера – весь декор сюр-замка художник спланировал сам.

Слайд 14Испанцы – люди очень открытые и эмоциональные, которые умеют радоваться жизни и превратить каждый свой день в фиесту. А какие же основные праздники у Испанцев? Воспользовавшись источниками, я извлекла следующие даты: 1 января – Новый год в Испании. Гуляния с площади Солнечные Врата, главной площади Мадрида, транслируются по телевидению на всю страну. Здесь, по давней испанской традиции, под бой часов нужно съесть 12 виноградин, по одной после каждого удара. Это должно принести удачу в каждом из месяцев грядущего года и отогнать злые силы. Надеть красное нижнее белье на праздник (трусы, подвязки, носки) – это еще одна новогодняя традиция Испании. 6 января – День королей-магов. Праздник 6 января в мире именуется Эпифания (праздник Крещения Господня) или Богоявление. Во время Крещения Христа Иоанном Бог явился во всех трех ипостасях. В Испании 6 января – День королей-магов, названный в честь трех королей-магов (волхвов): Каспара, Мельхиора и Валтасара, пришедших в Вифлеем поклониться новорожденному Иисусу. 2 февраля - День Богоматери из Канделярии. Еще до того, как испанцы завоевали Канарские острова, проживавшие на острове Тенерифе гуанчи, нашли на берегу океана статую прекрасной женщины и стали молиться ей как святыне. 15 марта – Фальяс. Фальяс (Las Fallas) – праздник весны в Валенсии, проходит с 15 по 20 марта и привлекает к себе миллионы туристов со всего света. 10 апреля – Великая пятница в Испании. Великая пятница, а также следующая за ней суббота – это единственные дни, когда католическая церковь не проводит мессы. Так выражается траур о смерти Христа. 23 апреля – Сан-Хорди в Испании. Это аналог Дня Святого Валентина в Испании.

Слайд 151 мая – День трудящихся в Испании. 10 июня (дата на 2009 года.) – Праздник тела Христова в Испании. Отмечается ежегодно на сороковой день после Пасхи. 6 июля – Сен-Фермин в Памплоне. Его устраивают в честь Святого Фермина, епископа, который спас Памплону от эпидемии чумы в ХIII веке. Энсьерро в Испании Энсьерро в Испании – это знаменитые забеги с быками в Памплоне, устраиваемые в ходе празднования дня Святого Фермина. 15 августа – Вознесение Богоматери. 26 августа (дата на 2009 г) – Томатина в Испании. Посвящен праздник проводам лета и отмечается в последнюю неделю августа в городе Буньол. 12 октября – День Испанидад (Праздник Святой Девы Пилар). 1 ноября – День всех святых в Испании. 6 декабря – День Конституции Испании. 8 декабря – Непорочное зачатие Пресвятой Девы Марии. 24 декабря – Католический сочельник в Испании. 25 декабря – Католическое Рождество в Испании. 28 декабря – День святых простаков в Испании.

Слайд 17Заключение.
Для создания достоверной и яркой информации была использована и отредактирована информация сайтов, перечисленных ниже: www.innspain.ru/index.php/otdyh/tradicii-i-nacionalinye-prazdniki ; ru.wikipedia.org ; euguide.ru/spain . Звучали произведения: 1 и 2 слайды – Пако де Лусия - Los Peskadores De Pirias; 3 слайд – Альбенис – Астурия; 4 и 5 слайды – Родриго – концерт Аранхуес, часть 2; 6 слайд – Пако де Лусия – La Paloma; 7 слайд – Пако де Лусия – Tomo Y Obligo; 8 и 9 cлайды – Франциско Таррега – Воспоминание об Альгамбре; 10 и 11 слайды – Пако де Лусия – Alma Corazon Y Vida; 12 слайд – Пако де Лусия – Granada; 13, 14 и 15 слайды – Пако де Лусия – Quizas, quizas, quizas. 16 и 17 слайды – Астор Пьяццола – сюита. Презентация была проиллюстрирована картинками, взятыми из Интернета.
Слайд 18Welcome to Spain!
Слайд 19Introduction.
Spain ... Oh, it's a country that makes my heart swoon! Spa-in! .. At the very words the feelings that something special, melodic, a little crazy. Many connoisseurs in love with this country for its exquisite art. But also in this country and there is a minus - corrida. So, I tell about this country that I know. I think this country will be interesting for you. Plan: Fundamentals of Geography of Spain; Attractions: 1) Capital - Madrid; 2) Segovia - the heart of Spain; 3) Toledo - the pearl of Spain; 4) Alhambra - Granada, the Spanish gloss; 5) Theatre-Museum Dali. Traditions Conclusion.

Слайд 20Fundamentals of Geography of Spain.
Spain is located in the extreme southwest of Europe, occupies a large part of the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. By the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay. Schematically, it is shaped like a stretched skin of a bull. Spain - a bridge between two continents, Europe and Africa, and the barrier separating the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Spain is bordered to the west by Portugal (1,214 km long border) to the north - with France (623 km) and Andorra (65 km) to the south - Gibraltar (1.2 km).

Слайд 21Capital - Madrid.
"Madrid can exchange only at the sky, and then only if there is a hole into which you can look at it" - Madrid proverb. Madrid - the capital and largest city in Spain. A break from the midday sun in the shadow of majestic buildings and landmarks of Madrid, it's hard to imagine that until the middle of the XVI century this place was just a small village near the walls of the fortress Madzhirit, built by the Moors seven centuries earlier. The decision of King Philip II, whom he unexpectedly in 1561 appointed the capital of the meaningless town, raised eyebrows not only among its residents. Today, the capital of Spain and all the attractions of Madrid is worth visiting if only for the sake of the Prado Museum, founded in 1819 by King Ferdinand VII. The museum contains the world's largest collection of Spanish painting. The original building, designed in 1785 by Juan de Villanueva, was calculated on the natural science collections. Today you can see masterpieces by Velazquez, Goya, El Greco, Murillo, next to the paintings of other geniuses of European painting. The Museum owns the creations of Rubens, Bosch, Titian, Veronese. Paintings exhibited in accordance with the schools of painting - the most ancient can be seen on the lower floors. Madrid called not only a city of museums, but the palace capital of Europe, because the main attractions of Madrid - it's countless castles, forts and palace complexes. Over the River Manzanares, where once stood the Alcazar, remembering the times of Muslim rule, was built by the royal residence - a magnificent royal palace. Hereby masterful masterpiece of rococo porcelain cabinet can be called the Palace. At the request of King Charles III of the walls of this room were lined with magnificent porcelain of the highest quality. Garlands, glasses, cups and crowns - these are elements that dominate the interior decoration of the room. In the Throne Room of bronze lions guard the royal throne, and on the wall hangs a painting of Venetian painter Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. Enormous size dining room has been rebuilt three boudoirs queen. Like many other palace attractions of Madrid, it is lavishly decorated with tapestries, Flemish masters, Sevres porcelain and paintings by Gonzales, Velasquez and Mengs.


Слайд 23Segovia - The Heart of Spain.
Segovia - one of the oldest and most interesting cities in Spain with lots of attractions for every taste. It is a UNESCO World Heritage List, and at least one-day excursion to this beautiful city necessarily offered to tourists who want to really learn about the life and culture of Spain. Despite the fact that the capital has long been a Madrid, Segovia, the former once the principal city of the country remains its heart. In the center of Segovia can wander quite a long time, but still focus is given to sites located within its walls. First of all, it's legendary castle of Alcazar. Castle reigns over the city - it can be seen everywhere. And always prevailed - the first fortified fort on this site was built in Roman times, and the first real castle - in VIII. (That's him you see on the left). In addition, the city of Segovia is one of the oldest Dominican monastery founded by Saint Dominic in the early XIII century - is one of the places tend to Catholic pilgrims from around Europe. Segovia is a cultural and historical center - it is also a city which houses one of the greatest shrines of the Catholic world - Carmelite Monastery, where lie the remains of Juan de la Cruz (in Russian it is often called the John of the Cross), mystic and poet of XVI century. Another famous place in the vicinity of Segovia - is the church of La Vera Cruz, the former once a stronghold of the Knights Templar. This concise edifice in the Romanesque style, richly decorated inside and interesting and very simple from the outside. In short, Segovia - this is one of the places that must visit in order to understand the spirit of Spain and feel the fragrance of her stories.

Слайд 24Toledo - the pearl of Spain.
Toledo - a former capital of Spain, which is located on the banks of the River Tagus. It is a city in which the intertwined history of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. A small town, its population 80,000 inhabitants, but has retained many historical and architectural monuments. One of the largest cathedrals in the world - the Cathedral of Toledo is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the cathedral walls kept a piece of marble in the form of a cube, which at 666 was Lady stepped to entrust the Archbishop Ildefonso robe. The plaque next to the cube of an inscription that says "Touch the stone and tell me with great reverence: shall be esteemed a place that has touched the foot of the Blessed Virgin." Generally Toledo Cathedral - the best example of Spanish Gothic, his 90-meter bell tower is visible from anywhere in the city. The cathedral is magnificent, having entered into the main attractions of Toledo, you'll see five-tier altar of gilded wood, carved choirs, huge stained-glass windows and baroque bas-reliefs. The main property of the cathedral - a large monstrance, which is a gothic tower height of 2,5 meters. The city also established the figure of the Sorrowful Virgin. According to legend, a young seamstress left a pin in a recess located at the figures, and it helped her a good marriage. Thus was born the tradition of unmarried girls to leave the pin in the recess. During the holiday narrow, steep streets are decorated with fresh flowers and aromatic herbs. Flowers hung in pots grass - garlands, thyme, rosemary and scatter on the pavement. In the church of San Roman - Another attraction of Toledo - the museum of Visigoth Culture. There's a collection of crowns VI-VII centuries, and wall murals of the XIII century. The royal palace-fortress of the Alcazar was altered several centuries in a row, as a result of its facades are made in different architectural styles. A stern and majestic castle was a residence of kings. Then it staged a prison, shelter and military school. Currently, it houses a museum of armed forces of Spain and the library. One of the main attractions of Toledo - mosque - built by several generations of Arabs. Synagogue turned into a church of St Mary, from the middle of the XIX century declared monuments. In Toledo, there are workshops for the production of decorative dishes, brooches, pendants, jewelry boxes, are made on the eastern technique damaskinado.

Слайд 25Alhambra - Granada Spanish splendor.
Now you hear the work of Francisco Tarrega - Memories of the Alhambra. Many different creatures created in honor of the Alhambra. In Spain also has a series of guitars called "Alhambra". "But what is it?" - Finally, you ask. "It is - with a mysterious smile and shining eyes of the person talking about something special, you'll answer - it is paradise on earth!" It is well known architectural and park ensemble is situated on a hillside terrace in the eastern city of Granada in southern Spain. This palace was built by Arab conquerors. Representatives of the Moorish culture, they wanted to conquer Earth Solar Granada to create a piece of earthly paradise. So among shady gardens originated Alhambra - the administrative center and a royal residence. Courtyards, passages, fountains, ponds and cascades of perfect harmony with each other. Ceramic tiles, stone carving and woodwork, intricate floral designs and Arabic characters form a magnificent decoration of arches, domes, graceful columns, slender columns and carved patterned windows. Many believe the supreme achievement of the Alhambra Moorish art in Western Europe. Restoration of the palace made by Russian architect Konstantin Raha, for which he received in 1862 at the Paris Exhibition gold medal. It is light and water play an important role in the overall composition. In the corner of Park-designed terraces, rushing water. It foams in cascades, sparkling spray of fountains, abruptly runs through the channels and flows, filling ponds and reservoirs. It all - surrounded by cypress avenues of orange trees, flowering beds in the background covered with snow peaks and the bright blue sky. Alhambra - a complex of gardens, courtyards and wide open as if in all directions palace premises. Eloquent been very names of many of them: "myrtle courtyard, decorated with evergreen myrtle trellis," Hall of Two Sisters "to let into the floor by two huge slabs of white marble," Yard Lions, so named because of the fountain, around which the frozen statues twelve grivastyh predators . "The Chamber Ambassadors" was created for the official ceremonies and court festivities. The dome of this room is decorated with a star pattern, flickering at high altitude. The romantic atmosphere of the place inspired Washington Irving to build the first in the American literature collection of short stories, in which Pushkin learned the story "The Golden Cockerel."

Слайд 26Theatre-Museum Dali.
Ask you about that, do you know the artist - Surrealist Salvador Dali, I think it makes no sense - everyone knows it! But if you do not know, or at least heard of. A better'd have to ask, did you know about the theater - Dali Museum? Yes, yes, right now, and you plunge into this bizarre world of a great genius! Frugal formerly Figueras town located 23 kilometers south of the Franco-Spanish border. In 1904, when here in the home of the notary, Salvador Dali was born, the local population numbered 11,000 persons, immigrants have occurred rarely. Now residents in Figueras was three times more, in addition, here come annually many thousands of tourists from all over the world. They shall be designed by the artist's vivid and surreal museum theater Salvador Dali - the main attraction of the town. Busiest following the Prado museum in Spain designed by Salvador Dali himself. The building, decorated on top with fancy eggs, Surah genius thought up and reworked for many a decade. But now here you can see the most complete collection of his works: paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs and even a collection of jewelry designs created by Dali. At first glance, this house brings in all the confusion: it is as if covered with a red cloak, and his imposingly on the roof is a huge egg. At the entrance to the museum you will meet Newton - with wide open arms and a hole in the head. Courtyard bored rainy taxi: favorite black Cadillac Dali with mannequins on which the rain poured down. Not for nothing is the theater-museum: Salvador Dali beckons you into his surreal world, which creates his paintings, installations, unusual furniture, frescoes, and a hologram. And here is the calling card of the museum - a room-girl, who through a diminutive glass turns into a girl's face, framed by two white pigtails. Tomb of the Salvador Dali in a dark room with bowls, wrapped dragons - is also part of the exposition. (Continued below).

Слайд 27Continued and Lock for Gala.
Gradually, all the museum stairs lead you to the central hall, where you can breathe a little and order enacted imagination. Indeed, in this strange place no object or artifact, which would not cause a storm of contradictory emotions: even the urinal Dali - a true work of art. Going to the exit through the patio of the museum of Salvador Dali, where each window gilded statue of the artist's muse, joyfully greet each visitor, you will leave the historical center of Figueras, which turned into a large area of trade. Here you will find plenty of shops and open markets. In the souvenir shops all - from trinkets and T-shirts to elegant vases and expensive books - is devoted to Dali. Lock for Gala Near Figueras, half an hour to the coast of Costa Brava, is a fishing village of Cadaques - the summer residence of the artist. On the local beach in August 1929, El Salvador has met his Gala - beautiful Halina D', arrived in Spain with her husband, the French poet Paul Eluard. The meeting was fateful, and marked the beginning of one of the most beautiful love stories of the XX century, which lasted more than fifty years. Ended it here. Gala died in Figueras morning, June 10, 1982. According to her will, the body was transferred to another Spanish town Pubol - in 1969, the great surrealist bought there for his beloved wife of the medieval castle. After the funeral, being in a deep depression, Dali remained in Pubole. Slept in a bed Gala, refused to meet with anyone whatsoever, hungry - and the result ... almost burned: in the room where he slept, there was a fire. Aged artist has received numerous burns, and came out of the hospital, left the castle and settled in the Galata Tower in Figueras, where he spent his last days. In Pubole after his death opened the house-museum. Here, everything remained as it was in Dali: Surrealist and ceiling, and strange to the throne, and a fireplace in the Baroque style, and fountains in the form of elephants, giraffes legs, and a swimming pool with sculpted images of Richard Wagner - all the decor sur-castle artist himself had planned.

Слайд 28Traditions of Spain.
In order to become familiar with any country, it is necessary to know its traditions. Knowing them, we know what the people live. Thus, we explain the traditions of Spain! I think all heard about the bullfight. That is what I mentioned, by his own perception of how negative the country. Bullfighting is a contest of man with a bull. In this game real hard rigid rules: either you, or you. In this case, the fate of the bull is predetermined: bullfighter risks his life, everything depends on his skill and bravery. Bullfighting is held in the amphitheater for a few thousand spectators. It is said that the bullfight - a tragedy in three acts with prologue and epilogue. It begins with a parade of brightly-dressed participants bullfighting: bullfighter (or bullfighter), which is the main protagonist of bullfighting, banderileros - those who betray the bull's back color sticks - banderillas, picador - the horseman with a lance, which angers the bull. In the first act of bullfighting picador injections peaks infuriating bull and bullfighter whet your pet raincoat, gracefully dodging attacks. In the second act banderileros must deftly thrust into the bull's spine during his assaults on the bullfighter two banderillas. The third and final act: this match - one by one to the matador with a bull. In the epilogue, depending on how the torero bullfight held by tradition to reward him give one or two ears, and sometimes the tail of the vanquished bull.

Слайд 29The next feature of Spain - flamenco. Right now, you hear the work of this genre. Traditional flamenco music and dance style, originating from Spain. Style is represented by several dozen varieties (over 50). This fusion of musical accompaniment (current), singing (cante) and dance (Baile). Style is represented by several dozen varieties (over 50). Songs and dances of flamenco, usually accompanied by guitar and percussion: rhythmic beating of hands (Palmas), playing on a percussion box (Cajon), and sometimes - castanets. Flamenco artists are called "bailaors" (dancer) and "kantaor" (singer), "tokaor (guitarist). An important element of the image of a dancer (bailaors) - the traditional dress called a bata de cola - typical flamenco dress, usually to the floor, often multi-colored polka-dot material, adorned with ruffles and flounces. The prototype of this dress was the traditional attire of Roma. An integral part of dance is an elegant game with her skirt. Bailaors traditional clothes - dark pants, wide belt and a white shirt with wide sleeves. Sometimes the edge of a shirt fastened in front with a belt. Short-bolero vest, called chaleko (chaleco), sometimes worn over the shirt.

Слайд 30Spaniards - people are very open and emotional, which are able to enjoy life and make every man his day in fiesta. And what are the main holidays from the Spaniards? Using the sources, I learned the following dates: January 1 - New Year in Spain. Celebrations from the area Solar Gate, the main square of Madrid, televised throughout the country. Here, the old Spanish tradition, the beat of hours to eat 12 grapes, one by one after each stroke. This should bring good luck to each of the months to come, and drive away evil spirits. Wear red underwear on holiday (pants, suspenders, socks) - this is another Christmas tradition in Spain. January 6 - Day of Kings, magicians. Holiday on January 6 in the world known as Epiphany (Epiphany), or Epiphany. During the Baptism of Christ by John the God appeared in all three guises. In Spain, January 6 - Day of Kings, sorcerers, named after the three kings, magicians (magi): Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, who came to Bethlehem to worship the newborn Jesus. February 2 - Day of Our Lady of Candelaria. Even before the Spaniards conquered the Canary Islands, who lived on the island of Tenerife, the Guanches, found on the ocean statue of a beautiful woman and began to pray to her as a relic. 15 March - Fallas. Fallas (Las Fallas) - spring festival in Valencia, held from 15 to 20 March and attracts millions of tourists from around the world. 10 April - Good Friday in Spain. Good Friday and the next one Saturday - the only days when the Catholic church holds Mass. So expressed mourning the death of Christ. April 23 - San Jordi in Spain. This is an analogue of Valentine's Day in Spain.

Слайд 31May 1 - Labor Day in Spain. 10 June (date to 2009.) - Corpus Christi in Spain. Celebrated every year on the fortieth day after Easter. July 6 - Saint Fermin in Pamplona. His suit in honor of Saint Fermin, the bishop, who saved from the plague of Pamplona in the thirteenth century. Enserro Enserro in Spain in Spain - is famous runnings of the bulls in Pamplona, arranged in celebration of St. Fermin. August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin. 26 August (date to 2009) - Tomatina in Spain. Is dedicated to the wires of the summer and celebrated the last week of August in Buñol. October 12 - Day Ispanidad (Feast of the Virgin Pilar). November 1 - All Saints Day in Spain. December 6 - Constitution Day in Spain. December 8 - Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. December 24 - Catholic Christmas Eve in Spain. December 25 - Catholic Christmas in Spain. December 28 - Day Saints simpletons in Spain.

Слайд 32Conclusion.
Here comes our little fairy tale to an end, it's time to get out of the magnificent castles, museums, and stop fluttering to the beat of flamenco ... And finally, do planning visits to Spain, to see everything that you saw in the presentation and all what's not been mentioned. Spain is fraught with many more beautiful, each city in its own unusually. Authors Yarlykova Oksana Genn. Shevchenko, Elena Vl. Egorova Marina Class 9
Слайд 33To create an accurate and vivid information was used and edited information sites listed below: www.innspain.ru/index.php/otdyh/tradicii-i-nacionalinye-prazdniki ; ru.wikipedia.org ; euguide.ru/spain . The presentation was illustrated with pictures taken from the Internet.