Презентация "Хмао" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Слайды презентации

The influence of geography of KhMAO on people and their lifestyles By Chervyakova Victoriya Chirkova Anna Petrovskiy Maxim 10G 2011
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The influence of geography of KhMAO on people and their lifestyles By Chervyakova Victoriya Chirkova Anna Petrovskiy Maxim 10G 2011

The natural environment is very important in the lives of people. In fact, it is part of their daily lives. So, it’s not difficult to imagine how different daily life might be in different climates.
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The natural environment is very important in the lives of people. In fact, it is part of their daily lives. So, it’s not difficult to imagine how different daily life might be in different climates.

The area of ​​the district : 34.8 thousand square km. Population:  1,5 million people
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The area of ​​the district : 34.8 thousand square km

Population:  1,5 million people

Population of KhMAO KhMAO is the tenth largest district of Russia. Due to the fact that the territory of KhMAO is remote and the climate is severe, the population is quite small for such a huge district.
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Population of KhMAO KhMAO is the tenth largest district of Russia. Due to the fact that the territory of KhMAO is remote and the climate is severe, the population is quite small for such a huge district.

National symbols
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National symbols

The coat- of- arms of KhMAO Flag of KhMAO
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The coat- of- arms of KhMAO Flag of KhMAO

The flag of KhMAO is blue, green and white. The green colour symbolizes the endless of the taiga forests of the region. The blue colour symbolizes the rivers and lakes of the region. In KhMAO there are about 30 000 rivers and 290 000 lakes. The white colour reminds of a long Siberian winter, because
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The flag of KhMAO is blue, green and white. The green colour symbolizes the endless of the taiga forests of the region. The blue colour symbolizes the rivers and lakes of the region. In KhMAO there are about 30 000 rivers and 290 000 lakes. The white colour reminds of a long Siberian winter, because the winter lasts about 7 months a year. The Siberian crown is in the style of national ornament of Khanty-Mansi population.

The territory of the region is influenced by the ocean and the continent that’s why the climate is very changeable. The average January temperature is -18 to -24 degrees Celsius, the average July temperature is 15.7 to 18.4 degrees Celsius.
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The territory of the region is influenced by the ocean and the continent that’s why the climate is very changeable. The average January temperature is -18 to -24 degrees Celsius, the average July temperature is 15.7 to 18.4 degrees Celsius.

The climate of region is quite severe and changeable. That’s why people don’t leave homes whithout some warm item of clothes, even in summer. In winter people wear warm fur coats and high boots. The influence of climate on the life of people
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The climate of region is quite severe and changeable. That’s why people don’t leave homes whithout some warm item of clothes, even in summer. In winter people wear warm fur coats and high boots.

The influence of climate on the life of people

The main cities of the district are; Kogalym, Langepas,  Megion,  Nefteyugansk,  Nizhnevartovsk,  Nyagan, Pokachi, Pyt-Yah, Raduzhniy, Surgut,  Uray, KhantyMansiysk, Yugorsk.
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The main cities of the district are; Kogalym, Langepas,  Megion,  Nefteyugansk,  Nizhnevartovsk,  Nyagan, Pokachi, Pyt-Yah, Raduzhniy, Surgut,  Uray, KhantyMansiysk, Yugorsk.

Due to the fact that the development of the region began in 1964, the cities are young and modern.
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Due to the fact that the development of the region began in 1964, the cities are young and modern.

The Ninth Wonder of the world- Dragon Bridge
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The Ninth Wonder of the world- Dragon Bridge

Khanty and Mansi peoples have been living on this territory more than five thousand years ago. They have distinctive* and unique culture. 
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Khanty and Mansi peoples have been living on this territory more than five thousand years ago. They have distinctive* and unique culture. 

. Their customs and traditions are not only to keep the legends, tales, songs, stories generic, to inherent fundamental philosophy of perception of the world, man and nature, but also to live in harmony with the touching, fragile, although, at first glance, harsh nature of the North.
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. Their customs and traditions are not only to keep the legends, tales, songs, stories generic, to inherent fundamental philosophy of perception of the world, man and nature, but also to live in harmony with the touching, fragile, although, at first glance, harsh nature of the North.

Thanks to the fact that the region is rich in oil, Yugra is one of the richest regions in Russia. The largest  oil and gas fields are: Samotlor, Fyodorovskoye,  Mamontovskoye, Ob.
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Thanks to the fact that the region is rich in oil, Yugra is one of the richest regions in Russia. The largest  oil and gas fields are: Samotlor, Fyodorovskoye,  Mamontovskoye, Ob.

Black gold  of Ugra Most people in the region work for oil-extracting companies
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Black gold  of Ugra Most people in the region work for oil-extracting companies

KhMAO-largest oil-producing region of Russia. In 1964 oil was found in the district, that’s why the development of the region began.
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KhMAO-largest oil-producing region of Russia

In 1964 oil was found in the district, that’s why the development of the region began.

Agriculture  The natural conditions are not suitable for the   development of agricultur in the district, that’s why most agricultural and food products  are imported from other regions of Russia
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Agriculture  The natural conditions are not suitable for the   development of agricultur in the district, that’s why most agricultural and food products  are imported from other regions of Russia

The natural wealth of Siberia
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The natural wealth of Siberia

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Foliage tree
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Foliage tree

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Rivers and lakes are rich in valuable fish: Siberian sturgeon, sturgeon, salmon, peled, pike, perch, carp, burbot, sterlet
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Rivers and lakes are rich in valuable fish: Siberian sturgeon, sturgeon, salmon, peled, pike, perch, carp, burbot, sterlet

The End
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The End

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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:14 сентября 2014
Категория:Английский язык
Автор презентации:Неизвестен
Содержит:35 слайд(ов)
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