Тест «Школа» по английскому языку для 5 класса


Boys like to run around the class. Girls give nicknames. Students ask silly questions .Teachers answer questions and explain rules. Boys talk loudly at the break. Girls discuss different problems. Teachers like to give good marks. Some students get bad marks.

2.Вставьте слова

Draw, run, lesson, questions, boys, marks, rules, grammar

1….. give nicknames to their classmates. 2. Girls like to … funny pictures on the blackboard.3. We don`t like to sit still at the ….4.The teacher explains …. rules.5.Students ask silly …....6. Boys often …around in the class.7. We get bad and good ….

3/ подберите окончание фразы

1.to draw a/rules

2/to sit b/marks

3/to run c/pictures

4/to talk d/still

5/to listen to e/loudly

6/to explain f/around in the class

7.to get bad g/the teacher

8.to ask h/ homework

9/to do i/questions

4.Вставьте пропущенные буквы

Te-cher pro-lem lo-dly

Expl-in ni-kname f-nny bl-ckboard

5. a/образуйте ед. число

Rules Students Marks breaks

Lessons Teachers Pictures questions

b/ образуйте мн. Число

desk blackboard girl boy

problem uniform instruction

6/подбери глаголы

to…….bad and good marks

to …….. to the teacher


to……….between desks



Boys like to run around the class. Girls give nicknames. Students ask silly questions .Teachers answer questions and explain rules. Boys talk loudly at the break. Girls discuss different problems. Teachers like to give good marks. Some students get bad marks.

2.Вставьте слова

Draw, run, lesson, questions, boys, marks, rules, grammar

1….. give nicknames to their classmates. 2. Girls like to … funny pictures on the blackboard.3. We don`t like to sit still at the ….4.The teacher explains …. rules.5.Students ask silly …....6. Boys often …around in the class.7. We get bad and good ….

3/ подберите окончание фразы

1.to draw a/rules

2/to sit b/marks

3/to run c/pictures

4/to talk d/still

5/to listen to e/loudly

6/to explain f/around in the class

7.to get bad g/the teacher

8.to ask h/ homework

9/to do i/questions

4.Вставьте пропущенные буквы

Te-cher pro-lem lo-dly

Expl-in ni-kname f-nny bl-ckboard

5. a/образуйте ед. число

Rules Students Marks breaks

Lessons Teachers Pictures questions

b/ образуйте мн. Число

desk blackboard girl boy

problem uniform instruction

6/подбери глаголы

to…….bad and good marks

to …….. to the teacher


to……….between desks



Boys like to run around the class. Girls give nicknames. Students ask silly questions .Teachers answer questions and explain rules. Boys talk loudly at the break. Girls discuss different problems. Teachers like to give good marks. Some students get bad marks.

2.Вставьте слова

Draw, run, lesson, questions, boys, marks, rules, grammar

1….. give nicknames to their classmates. 2. Girls like to … funny pictures on the blackboard.3. We don`t like to sit still at the ….4.The teacher explains …. rules.5.Students ask silly …....6. Boys often …around in the class.7. We get bad and good ….

3/ подберите окончание фразы

1.to draw a/rules

2/to sit b/marks

3/to run c/pictures

4/to talk d/still

5/to listen to e/loudly

6/to explain f/around in the class

7.to get bad g/the teacher

8.to ask h/ homework

9/to do i/questions

4.Вставьте пропущенные буквы

Te-cher pro-lem lo-dly

Expl-in ni-kname f-nny bl-ckboard

5. a/образуйте ед. число

Rules Students Marks breaks

Lessons Teachers Pictures questions

b/ образуйте мн. Число

desk blackboard girl boy

problem uniform instruction

6/подбери глаголы

to…….bad and good marks

to …….. to the teacher


to……….between desks


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Дата добавления:9 июля 2016
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