Презентация "Presentation about pollution" по английскому языку – проект, доклад

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Слайды презентации

Presentation about pollution. By Julia Yemchenko Irina Zhabko Irina Fedorova Kate Klipatska
Слайд 1

Presentation about pollution

By Julia Yemchenko Irina Zhabko Irina Fedorova Kate Klipatska

Pollution in the WORLD. Polution is very important problem in the world. Around us, there is lot’s of rubbish water is unhealthy and air is not clean.
Слайд 2

Pollution in the WORLD

Polution is very important problem in the world. Around us, there is lot’s of rubbish water is unhealthy and air is not clean.

Litter around us. People drop litter around and they don’t think about consequences. We should take thought about saving the environment. Because it is one of the biggest gifts of the life. We should try, to stop pollution growing.
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Litter around us

People drop litter around and they don’t think about consequences. We should take thought about saving the environment. Because it is one of the biggest gifts of the life. We should try, to stop pollution growing.

Environment problems. One of the problem is acid rain with disastrous effects. This problem is formed of acid gas, because factories and cars throw out this in the air. What can we do? In my opinion, factories must be with filters, to made oxygen from the dioxide, also cars must be with filters, too
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Environment problems

One of the problem is acid rain with disastrous effects. This problem is formed of acid gas, because factories and cars throw out this in the air. What can we do? In my opinion, factories must be with filters, to made oxygen from the dioxide, also cars must be with filters, too.

Acid rains. Firstly, acid rain will destroy the plants and then we will don’t get the oxygen; secondly we will die, because we will not can breathe. In Europe, the main cause of the acid rain is caused by the release of sulphur dioxides, so little by little, in the rivers and oceans lots of fish wil
Слайд 5

Acid rains

Firstly, acid rain will destroy the plants and then we will don’t get the oxygen; secondly we will die, because we will not can breathe. In Europe, the main cause of the acid rain is caused by the release of sulphur dioxides, so little by little, in the rivers and oceans lots of fish will die.

Earth life is water. Water provides for use in homes, for irrigation, for extinguishing fires, for street cleaning and for many other purposes. Clean and fresh water need everything, what is alive, but we don’t care about this.
Слайд 6

Earth life is water.

Water provides for use in homes, for irrigation, for extinguishing fires, for street cleaning and for many other purposes. Clean and fresh water need everything, what is alive, but we don’t care about this.

Today, many of rivers, oceans and seas become to easiest way to throw out the sewages. People think badly, that sewages will disappear. The best way is the recycle sewages, or totally destroys it.
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Today, many of rivers, oceans and seas become to easiest way to throw out the sewages. People think badly, that sewages will disappear. The best way is the recycle sewages, or totally destroys it.

What has happened in our world? We can’t bath in the sea, because in the water are chemicals, after many years we will not have a normal place to spend our holidays, or bath. What has happened in our world? We can’t bath; we can’t drink clean water... So, what should we do? Firstly, to take thought
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What has happened in our world?

We can’t bath in the sea, because in the water are chemicals, after many years we will not have a normal place to spend our holidays, or bath. What has happened in our world? We can’t bath; we can’t drink clean water... So, what should we do? Firstly, to take thought about environment, and place which will be a home for our children.

Today we don’t understand how important is live in the fresh air and drink clean water. But in time, we will appreciate the environment importance.
Слайд 9

Today we don’t understand how important is live in the fresh air and drink clean water. But in time, we will appreciate the environment importance.

We will understand it, when it’s been to late, to help the nature. So, as quickly as possible, we should start thinking about the ways of solution.
Слайд 10

We will understand it, when it’s been to late, to help the nature. So, as quickly as possible, we should start thinking about the ways of solution.

And we should start from over selves controlling our behavior and taking positive actions.
Слайд 11

And we should start from over selves controlling our behavior and taking positive actions.

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Ваша оценка: Оцените презентацию по шкале от 1 до 5 баллов
Дата добавления:14 сентября 2014
Категория:Английский язык
Автор презентации:Фролова Юля, ученица
Содержит:11 слайд(ов)
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